
Julia package for representing huge numbers
Author cjdoris
5 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
July 2022


A package for working with huge or tiny numbers beyond the dynamic range of ordinary floating point numbers.

Exports the number type Huge{T} <: Real which is a lot like a floating point number, except it has an exponentially larger range.

You can use this for calculating extremely small probabilities, which would normally underflow a float, or extremely large quantities which would normally overflow.


To convert a number x to a Huge number:

  • Do convert(Huge, x) or Huge(x).
  • If you already know ix = hlog(x) then hexp(Huge, ix) is faster.
  • If you already know lx = log(x) then exp(Huge, lx) is faster.

The following operations are implemented and accurate:

  • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, ^, inv.
  • Ordering: ==, <, cmp, isequal, isless, sign, signbit, abs.
  • Logarithm: log, log2, log10].
  • Conversion: float, widen, big.
  • Special values: zero, one, typemin, typemax.
  • Predicates: iszero, isone, isinf, isfinite, isnan.
  • IO: show, read, write.
  • Misc: nextfloat, prevfloat, hash.
  • Note: Any functions not mentioned here might be inaccurate.

Interoperability with other packages

It is natural to use this package in conjunction with other packages which return logarithms. The general pattern is that you can use exp(Huge, logfunc(args...)) instead of func(args...) to get the answer as a logarithmic number. Here are some possibilities for func:

Relationship to LogarithmicNumbers

Whereas a logarithmic number stores log(x), we store a different quantity hlog(x). This is the inverse of hexp(x), which has the following nice properties:

  • It is an increasing, continuous, differentiable, invertible function on the real numbers.
  • It grows exponentially for large x and shrinks exponentially for small x.
  • hexp(x) = x for x in -Inf, -1, 0, 1 and Inf.
  • -hexp(x) = hexp(-x).
  • 1/hexp(x) = hexp(1/x).

The crucial difference between log(x) and hlog(x) is that the former is only valid for positive numbers. This means that a logrithmic number requires an extra sign bit if you need to store a sign, whereas a Huge{T} can be negative provided T can be negative.

The other properties mean that many arthmetic and comparison operations are trivial to implement - often much simpler than with logarithmic numbers.

hexp(x) is defined as:

  • exp(x - 1) if x ≥ 1
  • exp(1 - 1/x) if x ≥ 0
  • -exp(1 + 1/x) if x ≥ -1
  • -exp(-x - 1) otherwise