
Software phantoms for image reconstruction
Author JuliaImageRecon
11 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
July 2021


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This Julia language repo provides tools for working with software-defined image phantoms like the Shepp-Logan phantom (both 2D and 3D versions).

For each phantom shape, methods are available for computing samples of its image (using phantom), its Radon transform (2D) or X-ray line integrals (3D), (using radon), and its 2D or 3D Fourier transform (using spectrum).

For explanations and examples see the documentation using the blue "docs" links above.

Getting started

using Pkg


using ImagePhantoms
image = shepp_logan(256)

p = shepp_logan(SheppLoganToft())
sinogram = radon(range(-1,1,101), deg2rad.(0:180), p) # 101 × 181


using ImagePhantoms
using MIRTjim: jim
using Plots # @animate, gif
function disk_phantom(title::String)
    (dx,dy) = (1, 1)
    (M,N) = (2^8,2^8)
    x = (-M÷2:M÷2-1) * dx
    y = (-N÷2:N÷2-1) * dy
    params = disk_phantom_params( ; rhead = () -> rand(100:105))
    objects = ellipse(params) # vector of Object2d{Ellipse}
    img = phantom(x, y, objects) # sampled at all (x,y) pairs
    jim(x, y, img; title, clim=(0,1300))
anim = @animate for i in 1:8
    disk_phantom("Realization $i")
gif(anim, "disk.gif", fps = 8)

animated phantom gif


Often "phantoms" are treated as digital images. Here, the shapes (rectangles, gaussians, ellipses, etc.) are all defined analytically as functions, as are their line integrals and Fourier transforms. Then one can sample those analytical functions to make digital images, sinograms, and spectra.

Parallel MRI (SENSE)

Most of the methods here are of general use for any imaging modality. There are a few methods (mri_smap_basis, mri_smap_fit, mri_spectra) that are specific to simulating parallel MRI (multiple receive coils) based on the 2012 paper by Guerquin-Kern et al.. See the documentation for details.


For more examples with graphics, see the documentation.

Currently the package supports the following 2D shapes: ellipses/circles, rectangles/squares, gaussians, triangles, and the following 3D shapes: ellipsoids/spheres, cuboids/cubes, gaussians, cylinders, cones.


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Tested with Julia ≥ 1.10.

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