28 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2017


This package has now been rewritten and its ideas are inside Interact.jl. Use Interact.jl instead!

Development Status

This package is new, but should be "working" to a greater or lesser extent in all supported backends (IJulia, Atom, Blink, Mux), so please file issues liberally.


Currently InteractNext is not in metadata, so for now installation is:



The following code is common to the examples below. It creates some svg circle elements whose centres are sampled from a sine wave.

using InteractNext, WebIO

width, height = 700, 300
colors = ["black", "gray", "silver", "maroon", "red", "olive", "yellow", "green", "lime", "teal", "aqua", "navy", "blue", "purple", "fuchsia"]
color(i) = colors[i%length(colors)+1]
ui = @manipulate for nsamples in 1:200,
        sample_step in slider(0.01:0.01:1.0, value=0.1, label="sample step"),
        phase in slider(0:0.1:2pi, value=0, label="phase"),
        radii in 0.1:0.1:60
    cxs_unscaled = [i*sample_step + phase for i in 1:nsamples]
    cys = sin.(cxs_unscaled) .* height/3 .+ height/2
    cxs = cxs_unscaled .* width/4pi
    dom"svg:svg[width=$width, height=$height]"(
        (dom"svg:circle[cx=$(cxs[i]), cy=$(cys[i]), r=$radii, fill=$(color(i))]"()
            for i in 1:nsamples)...

You can move the sliders to adjust some of the parameters, and the picture should update. In IJulia it should look like this: Svg demo in Mux

Note, on first running the examples in each backend, the widgets could take up to 10 seconds to appear, after that first load they should display much faster.

The nice thing is, you can write this viz code once, and then very easily display it in IJulia, in a desktop window with Blink, in a plots pane in Atom, and serve it up in a web page using Mux, like so:

display(ui); # or simply have ui be the result of a cell;
Blink (from the REPL)
using Blink
w = Window()
body!(w, ui)
w = get_page()
body!(w, ui)
Mux (from the REPL)
using Mux
responder(req) = ui
webio_serve(page("/", responder))

Then navigate in your browser to http://localhost:8000

You can redefine the ui and the responder function, then browser refresh to update the page.


The following example uses PlotlyJS, to install it use: Pkg.add("PlotlyJS"). It's included here as an example since it's a great plotting package, but also because it needs to be used slightly differently to work well with InteractNext.

Plotly Example UI Code

using InteractNext, PlotlyJS, CSSUtil, DataStructures

x = y = 0:0.1:30
p = plot(x, y)

freqs = OrderedDict(zip(["pi/4", "π/2", "3π/4", "π"], [π/4, π/2, 3π/4, π]))

mp = @manipulate for freq1 in freqs, freq2 in slider(0.01:0.1:4π; label="freq2")
    y = @. sin(freq1*x) * sin(freq2*x)
    restyle!(p, y=[y])
ui = vbox(mp, p)

Below is the code to display it in each of the supported WebIO backends. If everything is working you should see something like this screenshot using Blink:

InteractNext Blink Screenshot

and when you click on a button, or move the slider, the plot should update.


display.((mp,p)); # needed until PlotlyJS.jl is better integrated with WebIO.jl

Blink (from the REPL)

using Blink
w = Window()
p.view.w = w # needed until PlotlyJS.jl is better integrated with WebIO.jl
body!(w, ui)

Use in Atom/Juno

w = get_page()
p.view.w = w
body!(w, ui)

Mux (from the REPL) - Doesn't Work :(

PlotlyJS doesn't support Julia->JavaScript communication in Mux as yet. Once PlotlyJS.jl is better integrated with WebIO.jl, the following should work:

using Mux
webio_serve(page("/", req -> ui))