This is a Julia port of my Rust port of nim-lapper.
add IntervalLapper
See the docs for the rust-lapper project. The API's are essentially the same. The version 5.0.0 release is virtually identical at the time of writing this readme.
using Test
import IntervalLapper
const IL = IntervalLapper
const Iv = IL.Interval{Int}
data = map(x -> Iv(x, x + 15, 0), 0:10:100)
lapper = IL.Lapper(data)
cursor = Ref(1)
e1 = Iv(0, 15, 0)
e2 = Iv(10, 25, 0)
@test [e1, e2] == collect(IL.find(lapper, 8, 20))
@test [e1, e2] == collect(, 8, 20, cursor))
@test 2 == length(collect(IL.find(lapper, 8, 20)))
bits = IL.Bits(lapper.intervals)
@test IL.count(bits, 8, 20) == length(collect(IL.find(lapper, 8, 20)))
TBD. Anecdotally seems speedy, but no optimizations have been done. I'm sure there some funkiness with type instability or missed broadcasting opportunities.