
Inline graphics in the REPL for iTerm2
Author eschnett
2 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
May 2024


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This is a Julia package to display graphics inline on terminals that support iTerm2 inline graphics. This is similar to SixelTerm.jl but is optimized for iTerm2 terminals.

The main advantage of this approach is having usable graphics on remote connections without having to mess with X or other remote display connections. This works for Julia running on many remote platforms. It also supports the tmux terminal multiplexer.


Here is an example using Plots with the default GR backend:

using CairoMakie
using ITerm2Images
scatter(rand(10), rand(10); markersize=30.0)

Note that when using it with Plots, you have to do using ITerm2Images after using Plots. For some reason, Plots.jl adds its own display to the stack, so we need the ITerm2Images display added last.

This is how things look in iTerm2:


This package was inspired by SixelTerm.jl and imgcat.