
An interface for solving a stochastic capacity expansion problem via a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm
Author EPOC-NZ
6 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
August 2021


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JuDGE stands for: Julia Decomposition for Generalized Expansion. Functionally, it is a solver which leverages the syntax of the JuMP modelling language to solve complex multi-stage (and multi-horizon) capacity expansion problems.

JuDGE supports generalized set partitioning problems. This, however, is experimental.

Please see the documentation for details about installing JuDGE.jl, and examples showing how to set up a stochastic capacity example model using the JuDGE.jl package.

For more details see our working paper: JuDGE.jl: a Julia package for optimizing capacity expansion.

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