
Julia code lowering with precise provenance
Author c42f
56 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
March 2024


Build Status

JuliaLowering.jl is an experimental port of Julia's code lowering compiler passes, written in Julia itself. "Code lowering" is the set of compiler passes which symbolically transform and simplify Julia's syntax prior to type inference.


This work is intended to

  • Bring precise code provenance to Julia's lowered form (and eventually downstream in type inference, stack traces, etc). This has many benefits
    • Talk to users precisely about their code via character-precise error and diagnostic messages from lowering
    • Greatly simplify the implementation of critical tools like Revise.jl which rely on analyzing how the user's source maps to the compiler's data structures
    • Allow tools like JuliaInterpreter to use type-inferred and optimized code, with the potential for huge speed improvements.
  • Bring improvements for macro authors
    • Prototype "automatic hygiene" (no more need for esc()!)
    • Precise author-defined error reporting from macros
    • Sketch better interfaces for syntax trees (hopefully!)

Trying it out

Note this is a very early work in progress; most things probably don't work!

  1. Use a recent dev version of Julia (need at least version 1.12.0-DEV.512)
  2. Check out the main branch of JuliaSyntax
  3. Get the latest version of JuliaSyntaxFormatter
  4. Run the demo include("test/demo.jl")

Design Notes

Lowering has five symbolic simplification passes:

  1. Macro expansion - expanding user-defined syntactic constructs by running the user's macros. This pass also includes a small amount of other symbolic simplification.
  2. Syntax desugaring - simplifying Julia's rich surface syntax down to a small number of syntactic forms.
  3. Scope analysis - analyzing identifier names used in the code to discover local variables, closure captures, and associate global variables to the appropriate module. Transform all names (kind K"Identifier") into binding IDs (kind K"BindingId") which can be looked up in a table of bindings.
  4. Closure conversion - convert closures to types and deal with captured variables efficiently where possible.
  5. Flattening to linear IR - convert code in hierarchical tree form to a flat array of statements; convert control flow into gotos.

Syntax trees

Want something something better than JuliaSyntax.SyntaxNode! SyntaxTree and SyntaxGraph provide this. Some future version of these should end up in JuliaSyntax.

We want to allow arbitrary attributes to be attached to tree nodes by analysis passes. This separates the analysis pass implementation from the data structure, allowing passes which don't know about each other to act on a shared data structure.

Design and implementation inspiration comes in several analogies:

Analogy 1: the ECS (Entity-Component-System) pattern for computer game design. This pattern is highly successful because it separates game logic (systems) from game objects (entities) by providing flexible storage

  • Compiler passes are "systems"
  • AST tree nodes are "entities"
  • Node attributes are "components"

Analogy 2: The AoS to SoA transformation. But here we've got a kind of tree-of-structs-with-optional-attributes to struct-of-Dicts transformation. The data alignment / packing efficiency and concrete type safe storage benefits are similar.

Analogy 3: Graph algorithms which represent graphs as a compact array of node ids and edges with integer indices, rather than using a linked data structure.


Sander Mertens, the author of the Flecs ECS has a blog post series discussing ECS data structures and the many things that may be done with them. We may want to use some of these tricks to make SyntaxTree faster, eventually. See, for example, Building Games in ECS with Entity Relationships

Provenance tracking

Expression provenance is tracked through lowering by attaching provenance information in the source attribute to every expression as it is generated. For example when parsing a source file we have

julia> ex = parsestmt(SyntaxTree, "a + b", filename="foo.jl")
SyntaxTree with attributes kind,value,name_val,syntax_flags,source
[call-i]                                │ 
  a                                     │ 
  +                                     │ 
  b                                     │ 

julia> ex[3].source
a + b
#   ╙ ── these are the bytes you're looking for 😊

The provenance function should be used to look up the source attribute and the showprov function used to inspect the content (this is preferred because the encoding of source is an implementation detail). For example:

julia> showprov(ex[3])
a + b
#   ╙ ── in source
# @ foo.jl:1

During macro expansion and lowering provenance gets more complicated because an expression can arise from multiple sources. For example, we want to keep track of the entire stack of macro expansions an expression was generated by, while also recording where it occurred in the original source file.

For this, we use a tree data structure. Let's look at the following pair of macros

julia> JuliaLowering.include_string(Main, raw"""
       module M
           macro inner()

           macro outer()
               :((1, @inner))
       """, "some_macros.jl")

The tree which arises from macro expanding this is pretty simple:

julia> expanded = JuliaLowering.macroexpand(Main, parsestmt(SyntaxTree, "M.@outer()"))
SyntaxTree with attributes scope_layer,kind,value,var_id,name_val,syntax_flags,source
[tuple-p]                               │ 

but the provenance information recorded for the second element 2 of this tuple is not trivial; it includes the macro call expressions for @inner and @outer. We can show this in tree form:

julia> showprov(expanded[2], tree=true)
├─ 2
│  └─ @ some_macros.jl:3
└─ (macrocall @inner)
   ├─ (macrocall @inner)
   │  └─ @ some_macros.jl:7
   └─ (macrocall-p (. M @outer))
      └─ @ foo.jl:1

or as a more human readable flattened list highlighting of source ranges:

module M
    macro inner()
#         ╙ ── in source

# @ some_macros.jl:3

    macro outer()
        :((1, @inner))
#             └────┘ ── in macro expansion
# @ some_macros.jl:7

└────────┘ ── in macro expansion
# @ foo.jl:1


Problems with Hygiene in Julia's exiting macro system

To write correct hygienic macros in Julia (as of 2024), macro authors must use esc() on any any syntax passed to the macro so that passed identifiers escape to the macro caller scope. However

  • This is not automatic and the correct use of esc() is one of the things that new macro authors find most confusing. (My impression, based on various people complaining about how confusing esc() is.)
  • esc() wraps expressions in Expr(:escape), but this doesn't work well when macros pass such escaped syntax to an inner macro call. As discussed in Julia issue #37691, macros in Julia's existing system are not composable by default. Writing composable macros in the existing system would require preserving the escape nesting depth when recursing into any macro argument nested expressions. Almost no macro author knows how to do this and is prepared to pay for the complexity of getting it right.

The requirement to use esc() stems from Julia's pervasive use of the simple Expr data structure which represents a unadorned AST in which names are plain symbols. For example, a macro call @foo x gets passed the symbol :x which is just a name without any information attached to indicate that it came from the scope where @foo was called.

Hygiene in JuliaLowering

In JuliaLowering we make hygiene automatic and remove esc() by combining names with scope information. In the language of the paper Towards the Essence of Hygiene by Michael Adams, this combination is called a "syntax object". In JuliaLowering our representation is the tuple (name,scope_layer), also called VarId in the scope resolution pass.

JuliaLowering's macro expander attaches a unique scope layer to each identifier in a piece of syntax. A "scope layer" is an integer identifer combined with the module in which the syntax was created.

When expanding macros,

  • Any identifiers passed to the macro are tagged with the scope layer they were defined within.
  • A new unique scope layer is generated for the macro invocation, and any names in the syntax produced by the macro are tagged with this layer.

Subsequently, the (name,scope_layer) pairs are used when resolving bindings. This ensures that, by default, we satisfy the basic rules for hygenic macros discussed in Adams' paper:

  1. A macro can't insert a binding that can capture references other than those inserted by the macro.
  2. A macro can't insert a reference that can be captured by bindings other than those inserted by the macro.

TODO: Write more here...


Lowering of exception handlers

Exception handling involves a careful interplay between lowering and the Julia runtime. The forms enter, leave and pop_exception dynamically modify the exception-related state on the Task; lowering and the runtime work together to maintain correct invariants for this state.

Lowering of exception handling must ensure that

  • Each enter is matched with a leave on every possible non-exceptional program path (including implicit returns generated in tail position).
  • Each catch block which is entered and handles the exception - by exiting via a non-exceptional program path - is matched with a pop_exception
  • Each finally block runs, regardless of the way it's entered - either by normal program flow, an exception, early return or a jump out of an inner context via break/continue/goto etc.

The following special forms are emitted into the IR:

  • (= tok (enter catch_label dynscope)) - push exception handler with catch block at catch_label and dynamic scope dynscope, yielding a token which is used by leave and pop_exception. dynscope is only used in the special tryfinally form without associated source level syntax (see the @with macro)
  • (leave tok) - pop exception handler back to the state of the tok from the associated enter. Multiple tokens can be supplied to pop multiple handlers using (leave tok1 tok2 ...).
  • (pop_exception tok) - pop exception stack back to state of associated enter

When an enter is encountered, the runtime pushes a new handler onto the Task's exception handler stack which will jump to catch_label when an exception occurs.

There are two ways that the exception-related task state can be restored

  1. By encountering a leave which will restore the handler state with tok.
  2. By throwing an exception. In this case the runtime will pop one handler automatically and jump to the catch label with the new exception pushed onto the exception stack. On this path the exception stack state must be restored back to the associated enter by encountering pop_exception.

Note that the handler and exception stack represent two distinct types of exception-related state restoration which need to happen. Note also that the "handler state restoration" actually includes several pieces of runtime state including GC flags - see jl_eh_restore_state in the runtime for that.

Lowering finally code paths

When lowering finally blocks we want to emit the user's finally code once but multiple code paths may traverse the finally block. For example, consider the code

function foo(x)
    while true
            if x == 1
                return f(x)
            elseif x == 2

In this situation there's four distinct code paths through the finally block:

  1. return f(x) needs to call val = f(x), leave the try block, run h() then return val.
  2. continue needs to call h() then jump to the start of the while loop
  3. break needs to call h() then jump to the exit of the while loop
  4. If an exception occurs in f(x) or g(x), we need to call h() before falling back into the while loop.

To deal with these we create a finally_tag variable to dynamically track which action to take after the finally block exits. Before jumping to the block we set this variable to a unique integer tag identifying the incoming code path. At the exit of the user's code (h() in this case) we perform the jump appropriate to the break, continue or return as necessary based on the tag.

(TODO - these are the only four cases which can occur, but, for example, multiple returns create multiple tags rather than assigning to a single variable. Collapsing these into a single case might be worth considering? But also might be worse for type inference in some cases?)

Julia's existing lowering implementation

How does macro expansion work?

macroexpand(m::Module, x) calls jl_macroexpand in ast.c:

jl_value_t *jl_macroexpand(jl_value_t *expr, jl_module_t *inmodule)
    expr = jl_copy_ast(expr);
    expr = jl_expand_macros(expr, inmodule, NULL, 0, jl_world_counter, 0);
    expr = jl_call_scm_on_ast("jl-expand-macroscope", expr, inmodule);
    return expr;

First we copy the AST here. This is mostly a trivial deep copy of Exprs and shallow copy of their non-Expr children, except for when they contain embedded CodeInfo/phi/phic nodes which are also deep copied.

Second we expand macros recursively by calling

jl_expand_macros(expr, inmodule, macroctx, onelevel, world, throw_load_error)

This relies on state indexed by inmodule and world, which gives it some funny properties:

  • module expressions can't be expanded: macro expansion depends on macro lookup within the module, but we can't do that without eval.

Expansion proceeds from the outermost to innermost macros. So macros see any macro calls or quasiquote (quote/$) in their children as unexpanded forms.

Things which are expanded:

  • quote is expanded using flisp code in julia-bq-macro
    • symbol / ssavalue -> QuoteNode (inert)
    • atom -> itself
    • at depth zero, $ expands to its content
    • Expressions x without $ expand to (copyast (inert x))
    • Other expressions containing a $ expand to a call to _expr with all the args mapped through julia-bq-expand-. Roughly!
    • Special handling exists for multi-splatting arguments as in quote quote $$(x...) end end
  • macrocall proceeds with
    • Expand with jl_invoke_julia_macro
      • Call eval on the macro name (!!) to get the macro function. Look up the method.
      • Set up arguments for the macro calling convention
      • Wraps errors in macro invocation in LoadError
      • Returns the expression, as well as the module at which that method of that macro was defined and LineNumberNode where the macro was invoked in the source.
    • Deep copy the AST
    • Recursively expand child macros in the context of the module where the macrocall method was defined
    • Wrap the result in (hygienic-scope ,result ,newctx.m ,lineinfo) (except for special case optimizations)
  • hygenic-scope expands args[1] with jl_expand_macros, with the module of expansion set to args[2]. Ie, it's the Expr representation of the module and expression arguments to macroexpand. The way this returns either hygenic-scope or unwraps is a bit confusing.
  • "do macrocalls" have their own special handling because the macrocall is the child of the do. This seems like a mess!!

Scope resolution

Scopes are documented in the Juila documentation on Scope of Variables

This pass disambiguates variables which have the same name in different scopes and fills in the list of local variables within each lambda.

Which data is needed to define a scope?

As scope is a collection of variable names by category:

  • argument - arguments to a lambda
  • local - variables declared local (at top level) or implicitly local (in lambdas) or desugared to local-def
  • global - variables declared global (in lambdas) or implicitly global (at top level)
  • static-parameter - lambda type arguments from where clauses

How does scope resolution work?

We traverse the AST starting at the root paying attention to certian nodes:

  • Nodes representing identifiers (Identifier, operators, var)
    • If a variable exists in the table, it's replaced with the value in the table.
    • If it doesn't exist, it becomes an outerref
  • Variable scoping constructs: local, local-def
    • collected by scope-block
    • removed during traversal
  • Scope metadata softscope, hardscope - just removed
  • New scopes
    • lambda creates a new scope containing itself and its arguments, otherwise copying the parent scope. It resolves the body with that new scope.
    • scope-block is really complicated - see below
  • Scope queries islocal, locals
    • islocal - statically expand to true/false based on whether var name is a local var
    • locals - return list of locals - see @locals
    • require-existing-local - somewhat like islocal, but allows globals too (whaa?! naming) and produces a lowering error immediately if variable is not known. Should be called require-in-scope ??
  • break-block, symbolicgoto, symboliclabel need special handling because one of their arguments is a non-quoted symbol.
  • Add static parameters for generated functions with-static-parameters
  • method - special handling for static params

scope-block is the complicated bit. It's processed by

  • Searching the expressions within the block for any local, local-def, global and assigned vars. Searching doesn't recurse into lambda, scope-block, module and toplevel
  • Building lists of implicit locals or globals (depending on whether we're in a top level thunk)
  • Figuring out which local variables need to be renamed. This is any local variable with a name which has already occurred in processing one of the previous scope blocks
  • Check any conflicting local/global decls and soft/hard scope
  • Build new scope with table of renames
  • Resolve the body with the new scope, applying the renames

Intermediate forms used in lowering

  • local-def - flisp code explains this as
    • "a local that we know has an assignment that dominates all usages"
    • "local declaration of a defined variable"

There's also this comment in JuliaLang/julia#22314:

mark the [...] variable as local-def, which would prevent it from getting Core.Boxed during the closure conversion it'll be detected as known-SSA

But maybe that's confusing. It seems like local-def is a local which lowering asserts is "always defined" / "definitely initialized before use". But it's not necessarily single-assign, so not SSA.

Lowered IR

See https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/devdocs/ast/#Lowered-form


mutable struct CodeInfo
    code::Vector{Any}             # IR statements
    codelocs::Vector{Int32}       # `length(code)` Vector of indices into `linetable`
    ssavaluetypes::Any            # `length(code)` or Vector of inferred types after opt
    ssaflags::Vector{UInt32}      # flag for every statement in `code`
                                  #   0 if meta statement
                                  #   inbounds_flag - 1 bit (LSB)
                                  #   inline_flag   - 1 bit
                                  #   noinline_flag - 1 bit
                                  #   ... other 8 flags which are defined in compiler/optimize.jl
                                  #   effects_flags - 9 bits
    slotnames::Vector{Symbol}     # names of parameters and local vars used in the code
    slotflags::Vector{UInt8}      # vinfo flags from flisp
    slottypes::Any                # nothing (used by typeinf)
    rettype::Any                  # Any (used by typeinf)
    parent::Any                   # nothing (used by typeinf)

Notes on toplevel-only forms and eval-related functions

In the current Julia runtime,


  • Uses jl_toplevel_eval_in which calls jl_toplevel_eval_flex

jl_toplevel_eval_flex(mod, ex)

  • Lowers if necessay
  • Evaluates certain blessed top level forms
    • :.
    • :module
    • :using
    • :import
    • :public
    • :export
    • :global
    • :const
    • :toplevel
    • :error
    • :incomplete
    • Identifier and literals
  • Otherwise expects Expr(:thunk)
    • Use codegen "where necessary/profitable" (eg ccall, has_loops etc)
    • Otherwise interpret via jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk

Should we lower the above blessed top level forms to julia runtime calls? Pros:

  • Semantically sound. Lowering should do syntax checking in things like Expr(:using) rather than doing this in the runtime support functions.
  • Precise lowering error messages
  • Replaces more Expr usage
  • Replaces a whole pile of C code with significantly less Julia code
  • Lowering output becomes more consistently imperative Cons:
  • Lots more code to write
  • May need to invent intermediate data structures to replace Expr
  • Bootstrap?
  • Some forms require creating toplevel thunks

In general, we'd be replacing current declarative lowering targets like Expr(:using) with an imperative call to a Core API instead. The call and the setup of its arguments would need to go in a thunk. We've currently got an odd mixture of imperative and declarative lowered code.

Notes on Racket's hygiene

People look at Racket as an example of a very complete system of hygienic macros. We should learn from them, but keeping in mind that Racket's macro system is inherently more complicated. Racket's current approach to hygiene is described in an accessible talk and in more depth in a paper.

Some differences which makes Racket's macro expander different from Julia:

  • Racket allows local definitions of macros. Macro code can be embedded in an inner lexical scope and capture locals from that scope, but still needs to be executed at compile time. Julia supports macros at top level scope only.
  • Racket goes to great lengths to execute the minimal package code necessary to expand macros; the "pass system". Julia just executes all top level statements in order when precompiling a package.
  • As a lisp, Racket's surface syntax is dramatically simpler and more uniform