
Finally fast julia scripts
Author jolin-io
77 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
January 2024


Build Status

You have a julia script.jl and want to run it fast?

Welcome to juliascript! It is built for exactly that purpose.


  1. Make sure julia is installed via juliaup
  2. Then run the following in a Linux bash terminal
curl -o ~/.julia/juliaup/bin/juliascript -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jolin-io/JuliaScript.jl/main/bin/juliascript
chmod +x ~/.julia/juliaup/bin/juliascript

Now you can run juliascript yourscript.jl on the terminal, or use the shebang #!/usr/bin/env juliascript as the first line of your exectuable script.

How it works

  • The first time juliascript yourscript.jl runs yourscript.jl, it will create a corresponding julia module and track all precompile statements from the actual run.
  • From the second time onwards, it will then run as fast as julia's precompilation system allows for it.

Further speedup

Sometimes the speedup this gives may not be satisfying. Then you can manually create a sysimage to improve performance even further.

juliascript packagecompile yourscript.jl

Depending on your script this may take from 5 minutes up to 30 minutes.

Every further call juliascript yourscript.jl will then use the sysimage (until you make a change to yourscript.jl).

Experimental environment variables


    If set, juliascript myscript.jl will automatically packagecompile a new or changed myscript.jl. The creation of the sysimage is run in the background, consuming compute resources, but otherwise it is not blocking the script execution.

Used By Packages

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