A Julia package for classical spin dynamics and micromagnetic simulations with GPU support.
- Support classical spin dynamics and micromagnetic simulations.
- Support both CPU and GPU, which can be easily switched.
- Easily switch between single and double using
- ...
Install JuMag is straightforward as long as Julia is installed, and it is equally easy in Windows, Linux and Mac.
- Julia 1.4 (or above) (http://julialang.org/downloads/)
- Some packages such as FFTW, WriteVTK and NPZ
- CUDA.jl (https://github.com/JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl) (Needed for GPU support)
In Julia, packages can be easily installed using
using Pkg;
julia> ]
(v1.4) pkg> add FFTW
We don't have to install these packages for now, since the packages will be installed automatically when we install JuMag. To install JuMag.jl, simply using
(v1.4) pkg> add https://github.com/ww1g11/JuMag.jl
Now we will see similar messages if we type using JuMag
julia> using JuMag
[ Info: Precompiling JuMag [8b6b6816-cea2-582c-a99f-83810c20db0f]
┌ Warning: CUDA is not available!
└ @ JuMag ~/Softwares/JuMag.jl/src/JuMag.jl:41