
Perform coordinate system transformations of position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk.
Author OpenMDAO
2 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
March 2021



KinematicCoordinateTransformations.jl is a Julia package for performing chains of coordinate system transformations involving not only position, but also kinematic quantities such as velocity, acceleration, and jerk. The transformations currently supported:

  • ConstantAffineMap: transformation of the form x_new = A*x + b for input vector x, where A and b are independent of time.
  • ConstantLinearMap: transformation of the form x_new = A*x for input vector x, where A is independent of time.
  • ConstantVelocityTransformation: transformation of the form x_new = x .+ x0 .+ (t - t0).*v0, where x0, t0, and v0 are parameters associated with the transformation, and t is time.
  • SteadyRot{X,Y,Z}Transformation: steady rotations about the X, Y or Z axes. "Steady" here means rotating at a constant rate.


This package was heavily inspired by CoordinateTransformations.jl.

Software Quality Assurance

  • This repository contains extensive tests run by GitHub Actions.
  • This repository only allows signed commits to be merged into the main branch.

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