
Author laurentbartholdi
1 Star
Updated Last
3 Months Ago
Started In
December 2022


This is a user interface, in Julia, to the Kissat SAT solver.

It exposes all the functions of the C interface, in the same syntax but without the kissat_, and provides higher-level interfaces:

  • A RawSolver object with init, push!, append!, solve and values methods
  • a one-stop-shop kissat accepting a list of clauses
  • a solver accepting arbitrary types and converting them to integer variables through a Dict. Variables can have any type except Pair{T,Bool}, and are indicated either as T or as T => false to indicate a negated variable. Clauses are either Vector with entries in T or Pair{T,Bool}, or special shortcuts Pair{T / NTuple{N,T} / Vector{T},T / false} for Horn clauses.
julia> using Kissat
julia> # simple clauses
julia> cnf = [[1, -5, 4], [-1, 5, 3, 4], [-3, -4]];
julia> kissat(cnf) # the 0 indicates that variable 2 is unused
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> # either coffee with cream, or tea with milk
julia> cnf = [[:coffee,:tea],[:coffee=>false,:tea=>false],[:coffee=>false,:cream],:tea=>:milk]
julia> kissat(Symbol,cnf)
Dict{Symbol, Bool} with 4 entries:
  :cream  => 1
  :milk   => 1
  :tea    => 1
  :coffee => 0