
Write in Google Earth's KML format in pure Julia
Author JuliaComputing
16 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
April 2022


Working with Google Earth's KML format in Julia.

This package takes inspiration from Python's simplekml package.



file = KMLFile(
        Features = [
                Geometry = Point(coordinates=(77.0369, 38.9072)),
                name = "Washington, D.C."
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
      <name>Washington, D.C.</name>


path = download("")

file = read(path, KMLFile)


KML.write(filename::String, kml_file)  # Write to file

KML.write(io::IO, kml_file)  # Write to IO stream

KML.write(kml_file)  # String

KML Objects ←→ Julia structs

This package is designed to be used intuitively alongside Google's KML Reference Page. Thus, there are rules that guide the mapping between KML (XML) Objects and Julia structs.

  1. In Julia, each Object is constructed with keyword arguments only.
  2. Keywords are the associated attributes as well as child elements of the Object
    • E.g. pt = Point(id="mypoint", coordinates=(0,1)) sets the id attribute and coordinates child element.
  3. Every keyword has a default value (most often nothing). They can be set after construction.
    • E.g. pt.coordinates = (2, 3)
  4. If a child element is itself an Object, the keyword matches the type name.
    • E.g. pl = Placemark(); pl.Geometry = Point(). Here, a Placemark can hold any Geometry, which is an abstract type. A Point is a subtype of Geometry.
  5. Some Objects can hold several children of the same type. Fields with plural names expect a Vector.
    • E.g. mg = MultiGeometry(); mg.Geometries = [Point(), Polygon()]
  6. Enum types are in the KML.Enums module. However, you shouldn't need to create them directly as conversion is handled for you/helpful error messages are provided.
julia> pt.altitudeMode = "clamptoground"
ERROR: altitudeMode  clampToGround, relativeToGround, absolute
  1. Google extensions (things with gx: in the name) replace : with _.
    • E.g. gx:altitudeModegx_altitudeMode

For a concrete example, examine the fields of a KML.Document:


id                 :: Union{Nothing, String}
targetId           :: Union{Nothing, String}
name               :: Union{Nothing, String}
visibility         :: Union{Nothing, Bool}
open               :: Union{Nothing, Bool}
atom_author        :: Union{Nothing, String}
atom_link          :: Union{Nothing, String}
address            :: Union{Nothing, String}
xal_AddressDetails :: Union{Nothing, String}
phoneNumber        :: Union{Nothing, String}
Snippet            :: Union{Nothing, KML.Snippet}
description        :: Union{Nothing, String}
AbstractView       :: Union{Nothing, KML.AbstractView}    # Camera or LookAt
TimePrimitive      :: Union{Nothing, KML.TimePrimitive}   # TimeSpan or TimeMap
styleURL           :: Union{Nothing, String}
StyleSelector      :: Union{Nothing, KML.StyleSelector}   # Style or StyleMap
region             :: Union{Nothing, KML.Region}
ExtendedData       :: Union{Nothing, KML.ExtendedData}
Schemas            :: Union{Nothing, Vector{KML.Schema}}  # Multiple Schemas allowed
Features           :: Union{Nothing, Vector{KML.Feature}} # Multiple Features (abstract type) allowed

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