
Julia package to solve Knapsack problems
Author rafaelmartinelli
20 Stars
Updated Last
3 Months Ago
Started In
May 2021


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

This package solves Knapsack Problems (KPs) using different algorithms.


First, the package defines the Knapsack type:

struct Knapsack
    capacity::Int64            # Knapsack capacity
    weights ::Vector{Int64}    # Items' weights
    profits ::Vector{Int64}    # Items' profits

Then, there are four available solvers, called from a single function which takes a Knapsack instance, and returns the optimal/best value and an Array with the selected items:

function solveKnapsack(data::KnapsackData, algorithm::Symbol = :ExpandingCore; optimizer = nothing)

Where algorithm must be one of the following:

  • DynamicProgramming: Solves KP using a naïve dynamic programming.
  • BinaryModel: Solves KP using a binary programming model.
  • ExpandingCore: Solves KP using Pisinger's expanding core algorithm.
  • Heuristic: Solves KP using a simple heuristic.

Algorithm BinaryModel uses JuMP, and the user must pass the optimizer.

For example, given a Knapsack instance data:

optimal, selected = solveKnapsack(data, :DynamicProgramming)
optimal, selected = solveKnapsack(data, :BinaryModel; optimizer = GLPK.Optimizer)
optimal, selected = solveKnapsack(data, :ExpandingCore)
value, selected = solveKnapsack(data, :Heuristic)

Instance generator

The package is able to generate random instances of Knapsack with the following function (based on this code):

function generateKnapsack(num_items::Int64, range::Int64 = 1000; type::Symbol = :Uncorrelated, seed::Int64 = 42, num_tests::Int64 = 1000)::Knapsack


  • num_items: Number of items.
  • range: Maximum weight value.
  • type: Profit type (:Uncorrelated, :WeakCorrelated, :StrongCorrelated, :SubsetSum).
  • seed: Random seed value.
  • num_tests: Check source code or original code.


This package is a registered Julia Package, and can be installed through the Julia package manager.
Open Julia's interactive session (REPL) and type:

] add Knapsacks


Benchmark results (time in seconds) for different maximum values for weights and profits, number of items and algorithms. Average times for 10 runs and using @timed (BinaryModel using GLPK.jl).

 MaxV\Items         10        100        500       1000       2000       4000  Algorithm
             0.0000022  0.0000111  0.0000565  0.0001892  0.0007063  0.0026810  DynamicProgramming
         10  0.0001429  0.0003092  0.0009412  0.0019578  0.0039707  0.0122269  BinaryModel
             0.0000072  0.0000293  0.0001384  0.0003038  0.0006792  0.0013258  ExpandingCore
             0.0000016  0.0000052  0.0000235  0.0000478  0.0001008  0.0002182  Heuristic
             0.0000062  0.0000499  0.0003760  0.0011797  0.0110915  0.0434132  DynamicProgramming
        100  0.0001357  0.0004809  0.0017649  0.0040757  0.0093222  0.0269660  BinaryModel
             0.0000095  0.0000600  0.0002152  0.0003791  0.0007064  0.0010730  ExpandingCore
             0.0000013  0.0000050  0.0000192  0.0000409  0.0000928  0.0001957  Heuristic
             0.0000167  0.0001582  0.0013383  0.0115258  0.0674425  0.3561994  DynamicProgramming
        500  0.0001290  0.0006400  0.0017707  0.0056317  0.0174576  0.0483382  BinaryModel
             0.0000090  0.0000473  0.0002074  0.0003911  0.0006959  0.0014079  ExpandingCore
             0.0000013  0.0000044  0.0000191  0.0000417  0.0000866  0.0001854  Heuristic
             0.0000306  0.0003130  0.0063493  0.0296504  0.1574919  0.7645551  DynamicProgramming
       1000  0.0001279  0.0003963  0.0021209  0.0089878  0.0247364  0.0634847  BinaryModel
             0.0000084  0.0000498  0.0002309  0.0004473  0.0010606  0.0015858  ExpandingCore
             0.0000014  0.0000043  0.0000209  0.0000423  0.0000873  0.0001845  Heuristic
             0.0000616  0.0007209  0.0174228  0.0695316  0.3422440  1.6595295  DynamicProgramming
       2000  0.0001297  0.0004131  0.0024877  0.0062686  0.0211603  0.0714104  BinaryModel
             0.0000090  0.0000538  0.0002315  0.0004709  0.0008501  0.0018993  ExpandingCore
             0.0000014  0.0000045  0.0000225  0.0000422  0.0000866  0.0001845  Heuristic

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 64GB RAM, using Julia 1.7.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

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