
A Julia package for language identification.
Author guo-yong-zhi
2 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023


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LanguageIdentification.jl is a Julia package for identifying the language of a given text. It currently supports 50 languages (see below). This package is lightweight and has no dependencies.


import Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageIdentification")


using LanguageIdentification

Currently, LanguageIdentification.jl supports the identification of 50 languages. You can check them with the following command. The language is represented by the ISO 639-3 code.

 ["ara", "bel", "ben", "bul", "cat", "ces", "dan", "deu", "ell", "eng", "epo", "fas", 
 "fin", "fra", "hau", "hbs", "heb", "hin", "hun", "ido", "ina", "isl", "ita", "jpn", 
 "kab", "kor", "kur", "lat", "lit", "mar", "mkd", "msa", "nds", "nld", "nor", "pol", 
 "por", "ron", "rus", "slk", "spa", "swa", "swe", "tat", "tgl", "tur", "ukr", "vie", 
 "yid", "zho"]

This package provides simple interfaces:

  • langid: returns the language code of the tested text.
  • langprob: returns the probabilities of the tested text for each language.
langid("This is a test.")
langprob("这是一个测试。", topk=3)
["zho" => 0.75607236497363
 "jpn" => 0.036749305182980266
 "tat" => 0.015681619153487716]


We tested four language identification packages: LanguageIdentification.jl (this package), Languages.jl, LanguageDetect.jl, and LanguageFinder on a hold-out test set. The test set was sourced from tatoeba and wikipedia and comprised of the 50 languages supported by this package. The complete test results can be found here.

  • tatoeba
ara bel ben bul cat ces dan deu ell eng epo fas fin fra hau hbs heb hin hun ido ina isl ita jpn kab kor kur lat lit mar mkd msa nds nld nor pol por ron rus slk spa swa swe tat tgl tur ukr vie yid zho
LanguageIdentification.jl 98.96% 97.21% 100.00% 83.52% 93.75% 93.07% 84.68% 98.96% 100.00% 99.08% 97.86% 99.04% 99.04% 97.58% 98.81% 23.06% 98.76% 88.85% 99.04% 90.62% 95.30% 99.55% 96.99% 99.97% 99.43% 100.00% 99.20% 96.53% 99.29% 88.13% 92.96% 97.88% 96.37% 97.76% 85.40% 99.31% 97.68% 97.49% 91.13% 93.26% 93.60% 98.66% 95.50% 91.16% 98.93% 98.94% 87.51% 100.00% 99.31% 100.00%
Languages.jl 85.55% 80.47% 100.00% 62.46% - 48.90% 47.06% 90.48% 99.89% 78.21% 64.61% 95.00% 76.87% 82.21% 92.85% 60.28% 95.75% 62.99% 73.99% - - - 66.27% 99.97% - 98.97% - - 61.94% 72.05% 51.40% 71.26% - 78.91% 66.74% 72.66% 77.35% 70.87% 52.59% - 61.89% - 52.46% - 63.96% 52.10% 62.63% 84.06% 98.39% 99.86%
LanguageDetect.jl 93.68% - 100.00% 64.15% 59.86% 70.87% 53.14% 81.88% 100.00% 74.76% - 93.68% 90.37% 77.41% - 27.53% 100.00% 91.60% 86.61% - - - 69.16% 99.85% - 99.48% - - 81.41% 86.60% 74.70% 84.67% - 65.07% 54.23% 92.97% 69.89% 84.12% 78.32% 57.26% 60.35% 83.89% 70.51% - 90.70% 90.33% 71.89% 99.75% - 98.53%
LanguageFinder.jl 93.11% - - - - 69.58% 70.80% 91.68% 100.00% 82.53% - 98.60% 89.31% 87.57% - - 99.99% 99.87% 73.90% - - - 82.66% - - 96.38% - - - - - - - 88.80% 29.90% 85.74% 68.62% - 93.35% - 76.32% - 40.42% - - 71.22% 76.81% - - 45.72%
  • wikipedia
ara bel ben bul cat ces dan deu ell eng epo fas fin fra hau hbs heb hin hun ido ina isl ita jpn kab kor kur lat lit mar mkd msa nds nld nor pol por ron rus slk spa swa swe tat tgl tur ukr vie yid zho
LanguageIdentification.jl 99.50% 99.50% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% 96.50% 98.50% 96.50% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.50% 100.00% 99.50% 87.00% 100.00% 91.00% 99.00% 92.50% 97.00% 98.50% 100.00% 98.00% 99.00% 100.00% 99.00% 98.50% 100.00% 95.50% 97.50% 99.50% 99.50% 97.00% 98.00% 100.00% 99.50% 90.00% 99.50% 97.00% 100.00% 99.50% 98.50% 99.00% 98.50% 98.50% 100.00% 97.00% 98.50% 99.50%
Languages.jl 99.00% 98.50% 99.00% 99.00% - 92.50% 88.50% 96.00% 96.50% 99.50% 96.00% 98.50% 98.00% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% 99.50% 91.00% 93.00% - - - 98.50% 99.50% - 89.50% - - 94.50% 95.00% 98.00% 99.50% - 94.50% 95.50% 90.50% 94.00% 81.50% 97.50% - 98.50% - 88.00% - 97.00% 92.50% 93.00% 74.50% 98.00% 96.50%
LanguageDetect.jl 99.50% - 100.00% 80.00% 79.00% 80.50% 61.00% 81.00% 100.00% 90.00% - 99.00% 94.50% 90.00% - 3.50% 100.00% 94.00% 93.50% - - - 87.50% 94.50% - 95.00% - - 96.50% 97.00% 90.00% 96.50% - 74.00% 55.50% 94.00% 78.50% 74.00% 91.00% 77.00% 77.50% 95.50% 69.00% - 94.50% 93.00% 97.50% 96.00% - 74.00%
LanguageFinder.jl 99.50% - - - - 96.00% 98.50% 95.50% 99.50% 99.50% - 99.00% 99.50% 100.00% - - 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% - - - 98.50% - - 94.50% - - - - - - - 98.50% 35.50% 98.00% 88.00% - 100.00% - 100.00% - 97.00% - - 96.00% 99.50% - - 85.50%

We calculated the average accuracy for the languages supported by multiple packages, and the results are as follows:

  • tatoeba
50 languages 39 languages 38 languages 35 languages 24 languages
LanguageIdentification.jl 94.58% 94.24% 93.89% 93.77% 95.87%
Languages.jl - 74.72% - 73.65% 74.14%
LanguageDetect.jl - - 79.72% 80.81% 80.61%
LanguageFinder.jl - - - - 79.70%
  • wikipedia
50 languages 39 languages 38 languages 35 languages 24 languages
LanguageIdentification.jl 98.20% 98.22% 98.14% 98.09% 98.79%
Languages.jl - 95.12% - 94.80% 95.02%
LanguageDetect.jl - - 85.36% 85.49% 86.23%
LanguageFinder.jl - - - - 94.75%

Parameter Tuning

You can manually initialize the package using the LanguageIdentification.initialize function. By adjusting the parameters, you can achieve different balances between accuracy, speed, and memory usage. The default setting is ngram=1:4, cutoff=0.85, and vocabulary=1000:5000. However, this setting may not be optimal for your specific use case.
For example, the table below shows that using a single-ngram setting of ngram=4, cutoff=1.0, and vocabulary=5000 can achieve better accuracy on our tatoeba test set while also being much faster than the multi-ngrams setting. We choose the multi-ngrams as the default due to its stability. You can refer to our detailed benchmark results here as a reference for parameter tuning.

100-vocab 200-vocab 500-vocab 1000-vocab 2000-vocab 5000-vocab 10000-vocab 20000-vocab 50000-vocab 100000-vocab
1:1 - grams 76.95% 76.95% - - - - - - - -
1:2 - grams 82.32% 86.98% 88.97% 89.03% 89.03% 89.03% - - - -
1:3 - grams 81.21% 87.02% 91.04% 92.60% 93.21% 93.48% 93.51% 93.51% 93.51% -
1:4 - grams 80.10% 86.03% 91.35% 93.08% 94.28% 95.10% 95.49% 95.62% 95.64% 95.64%
1:5 - grams 79.97% 85.36% 90.69% 92.97% 94.48% 95.51% 96.15% 96.62% 96.85% 96.85%
1:6 - grams 79.63% 84.85% 90.52% 92.78% 94.37% 95.60% 96.12% 96.75% 97.28% 97.38%
1:7 - grams 78.99% 84.35% 90.51% 92.67% 94.23% 95.55% 96.04% 96.68% 97.37% 97.55%
100-vocab 200-vocab 500-vocab 1000-vocab 2000-vocab 5000-vocab 10000-vocab 20000-vocab 50000-vocab
single 1-grams 76.95% 76.95% - - - - - - -
single 2-grams 83.95% 88.07% 90.19% 90.28% 90.28% 90.28% - - -
single 3-grams 82.47% 87.99% 91.85% 93.51% 94.36% 94.75% 94.75% 94.75% 94.75%
single 4-grams 80.39% 86.27% 91.25% 93.47% 95.12% 96.41% 96.72% 96.78% 96.78%
single 5-grams 72.48% 81.49% 88.42% 91.74% 93.80% 94.72% 95.08% 95.48% 95.56%
single 6-grams 54.87% 72.68% 82.47% 87.50% 90.48% 86.43% 84.87% 85.20% 85.81%
single 7-grams 49.14% 61.29% 71.76% 81.42% 81.70% 68.59% 64.30% 63.69% 63.98%

Required Packages

No packages found.

Used By Packages