
Linear segmented regression
Author stelmo
10 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
June 2023


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This is a small package that performs linear segmented regression: fitting piecewise linear functions to data, and simultaneously estimating the best breakpoints. Three algorithm are implemented, sliding_window, top_down, and shortest_path.


using LinearSegmentation

segments = segmentation_function(
    min_segment_length = minimum_segment_x_length, 
    fit_threshold = minimum_r2,
    fit_function = :r2,
    overlap = true,

Where segments = [idxs1, idxs2, ...] is an array of indices, with idxs1 corresponding to the indices of xs in the first segment, idxs2 the second segment, etc. Minimum segment lengths are specified with min_segment_length. By default, the goodness-of-fit is measured using the coefficient of determination (R²). Each segment must have a minimum R² of fit_threshold. Root mean squared error can also be used by setting fit_function = :rmse, and adjusting fit_threshold to a dataset dependent error threshold. In this case, the root mean squared error must be smaller than fit_threshold for each segment. By default, the end of a segment is also the start of the next segment, but this can be changed by setting overlap to false (resulting in disjoint segmentations).

Generate some data

N = 100
xs = collect(range(0, 3 * pi, length = N)) .+ 0.1 .* randn(N)
ys = sin.(xs) .+ 0.1 .* randn(N)

Raw data to be segmented

Sliding window

Uses a sliding window approach to segment the data: initially an empty segment is made, and data added to it until fit_threshold is reached. Then a new segment is made, and the process repeats until the data is exhausted. This algorithm is the cheapest to run, but may generate worse fits due to its simplicity.

segments = sliding_window(xs, ys; min_segment_length=1.2)

Sliding window segmentation

Top down

This algorithm recursively splits the data into two parts, attempting to find segments that are both long enough, and have a good enough fit (set via the kwargs).

segments = top_down(xs, ys; min_segment_length=1.2)

Top down segmentation

Shortest path

This algorithm is my take on the dynamic programming approaches used by the R packages listed below (NB: not equivalent implementations!). In essence, a weighted directional graph is constructed, where each node corresponds to an index of xs, and the edge weight between nodes corresponds to the goodness-of-fit measure between the two nodes (segment length restrictions and maximum error are both incorporated). The shortest weighted path that spans xs is the found with Graphs.a_star (see Graphs.jl), and should correspond to the best segmentation.

segments = shortest_path(xs, ys; min_segment_length=1.2)

Shortest Path segmentation

Other useful resources

  3. E. Keogh, S. Chu, D. Hart and M. Pazzani, "An online algorithm for segmenting time series," Proceedings 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, San Jose, CA, USA, 2001, pp. 289-296, doi: 10.1109/ICDM.2001.989531.

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