List collections for Julia
This package provides a singly linked list and a doubly linked list
implementation, as Julia collections. Singly linked lists are
supported with cons
, car
, and cdr
, but not as a standard
collection. Doubly linked lists are included in the samples but,
again, not as a collection. This doesn't do anything fancy
like create an array of nodes. Maybe it should.
is a doubly linked list. Deletions happen in constant time.
If code contains an index to an item in the list, then
removing other items in the list won't invalidate that index.
a = List{Int}() # Create a list of the given type.
isempty(l) # Test whether there are any items.
empty!(l) # Remove all items.
length(l) # The number of entries. An O(n) operation.
2 in l # Test whether the given item is an entry in the list. O(n).
eltype(l) # Returns the item type, here Int64.
indexin(a, l) # Highest index in list for each value of a that is member.
first(l) # First item in the list.
last(l) # Last item in the list, the item value.
push!(l, d) # Add item d to end of list. Returns index of item.
pop!(l, d) # Remove and return item at end of list.
unshift!(l, d) # Add item to start of list. Return index of item.
shift!(l) # Remove first item and return value.
append!(l, items) # Add items to end of list.
prepend!(l, items) # Add items to start of list.
There can be an index into the list. It is a reference to a list node but can be treated as an opaque index.
getindex(l, index) # Returns value of item at this index.
setindex!(l, index, d) # Sets item value at this index.
endof(l) # Returns index of last node. An O(n) operation.
insert!(l, index, d) # Insert item at index, pushing values back. Return index.
deleteat!(l, index) # Delete item at index. Return list.
splice!(l, index) # Remove value at index, returning data value.
splice!(l, index, d) # Replace item at index with data value.
find(l, d) # Find first occurrence of item in list. Return its index.
find(l, index, d) # Find first occurrence of d after the given index.
There are two kinds of iterators for List
. One access items.
The other loops over indices.
l = List{Int}()
prepend!(l, [2, 4, 6])
for item::Int in l
for index in indexed(l)
item=getindex(l, index)
is a singly linked list over items of a given type.
Appending to the end of this list takes an order of the number of
the items in the list.
a = SList{Int}() # Create a list of the given type.
isempty(l) # Test whether there are any items.
empty!(l) # Remove all items.
eltype(l) # Returns the item type, here Int64.
first(l) # First item in the list.
unshift!(l, d) # Add item to start of list. Return index of item.
shift!(l) # Remove first item and return value.
prepend!(l, items) # Add items to start of list.
There can be an index into the list. It is a reference to a list node but can be treated as an opaque index.
getindex(l, index) # Returns value of item at this index.
setindex!(l, index, d) # Sets item value at this index.
insert!(l, index, d) # Inserts *after* the given index. Returns index.
The following methods are O(n) for singly linked lists. They are included for completeness, but needing these is an indication that using a doubly linked list, or Vector, might be a better choice.
length(l) # The number of entries.
2 in l # Test whether the given item is an entry in the list.
indexin(a, l) # Highest index in list for each value of a that is member.
last(l) # Last item in the list, the item value.
push!(l, d) # Add item d to end of list. Returns index of item.
pop!(l, d) # Remove and return item at end of list.
append!(l, items) # Add items to end of list.
endof(l) # Returns index of last node.
deleteat!(l, index) # Delete item at index. Return list.
splice!(l, index) # Remove value at index, returning data value.
splice!(l, index, d) # Replace item at index with data value.
find(l, d) # Find first occurrence of item in list. Return its index.
find(l, index, d) # Find first occurrence of d after the given index.
As with List
, there are two kinds of iterators for SList
. One access items.
The other loops over indices.
l = SList{Int}()
prepend!(l, [2, 4, 6])
for item::Int in l
for index in indexed(l)
item=getindex(l, index)
Implementation Notes
The code comments each time a method for these classes differs from interfaces described for collections in the manual. All differences stem from an assumption that the index to a collection will be an integer.
If you have comments, or especially if I have the wrong idea about how to write good code in Julia, please send me an email.