
Local regularization of Neural Differential Equations
Author avik-pal
7 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
September 2022

LocalRegNeuralDE: Some Black Boxes Were Meant to Remain Closed!

Official Implementation of ICML 2023 Paper Locally Regularized Neural Differential Equations: Some Black Boxes Were Meant to Remain Closed!

Extension of RegNeuralDE to allow for local regularization.

This is a research repository. Most users should wait for the functionality to be available through packages like DiffEqFlux.jl.


  • (Randomized) Local Regularization of Neural ODEs yield similar trajectories to global regularization.

  • Local Regularization is simpler to implement since it doesn’t require discretize-then-optimize. Rather it can utilize the more commonly used optimize-then-discretize approach.

  • Additionally introduces benefits for cases where the “blackbox cannot be opened” entirely (like in diffusion models)


This package is not registered in General Registry. It can be installed using:

using Pkg
pkg"add https://github.com/avik-pal/LocalRegNeuralDE.jl"