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Logging.jl: Basic logging for Julia

PkgEval: Julia v0.4 PkgEval: Julia v0.5 PkgEval: Julia v0.6

TravisCI: Linux, OSX AppVeyorCI: Windows

This module provides basic logging facilities for Julia. It was inspired somewhat by logging in Python.

Install with Pkg.add("Logging") at the Julia prompt.


If log_test.jl contains

using Logging
# default:
# Logging.configure(level=WARNING)

function log_test()
    debug("debug message")
    info("info message")
    warn("warning message")
    err("error message")
    critical("critical message")

println("Setting level=DEBUG")

println("Setting level=INFO")

println("Setting level=WARNING")

println("Setting level=ERROR")

println("Setting level=CRITICAL")

Running this gives

julia> include("log_test.jl")
Setting level=DEBUG
30-Oct 22:09:20:DEBUG:root:debug message
30-Oct 22:09:20:INFO:root:info message
30-Oct 22:09:20:WARNING:root:warning message
30-Oct 22:09:20:ERROR:root:error message
30-Oct 22:09:20:CRITICAL:root:critical message

Setting level=INFO
30-Oct 22:09:20:INFO:root:info message
30-Oct 22:09:20:WARNING:root:warning message
30-Oct 22:09:20:ERROR:root:error message
30-Oct 22:09:20:CRITICAL:root:critical message

Setting level=WARNING
30-Oct 22:09:20:WARNING:root:warning message
30-Oct 22:09:20:ERROR:root:error message
30-Oct 22:09:20:CRITICAL:root:critical message

Setting level=ERROR
30-Oct 22:09:20:ERROR:root:error message
30-Oct 22:09:20:CRITICAL:root:critical message

Setting level=CRITICAL
30-Oct 22:09:20:CRITICAL:root:critical message

At the Julia prompt, the messages will display in color (debug=cyan, info=blue, warning=purple, error=red, critical=red).

It is possible to change the stream the logger prints to. For example, to print to a file:

julia> Logging.configure(output=open("logfile.log", "a"))
julia> log_test()
julia> readlines(open("logfile.log"))
3-element Array{Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String),1}:
 "24-mar 18:40:24:WARNING:root:warning message\n"
 "24-mar 18:40:24:ERROR:root:error message\n"
 "24-mar 18:40:24:CRITICAL:root:critical message\n"

Since it is common to log to files, there is a shortcut:

julia> Logging.configure(filename="logfile.log")

Logging Macros

For the functions above, there is always a small overhead for the function call even when there is no log output. Logging.jl provides macros which work like the functions above, but which remove this overhead.

To use the macro versions, you MUST first configure them using @Logging.configure.

using Logging

function macro_log_test()
    @debug("debug message")
    @info("info message")
    @warn("warning message")
    @err("error message")
    @critical("critical message")


This gives:

30-Oct 22:28:51:DEBUG:root:debug message
30-Oct 22:28:51:INFO:root:info message
30-Oct 22:28:51:WARNING:root:warning message
30-Oct 22:28:51:ERROR:root:error message
30-Oct 22:28:51:CRITICAL:root:critical message

Later, we may decide to turn off logging entirely:

using Logging

function macro_log_test()
    @debug("debug message")
    @info("info message")
    @warn("warning message")
    @err("error message")
    @critical("critical message")


This prevents any of the logging code from being generated.

Note that changing the log level later in the code will not have any affect on previously evaluated functions, though it does affect future evaluation:

using Logging
println("Setting level=OFF")

function macro_log_test()
    # logging is OFF above!
    # these messages will never produce output
    # even if the log level is changed
    @debug("debug message")
    @info("info message")
    @warn("warning message")
    @err("error message")
    @critical("critical message")


println("Setting level=DEBUG")

@warn("This warning message will print.")
@debug("So will this debug message!")


Setting level=OFF
Setting level=DEBUG
30-Oct 23:26:16:WARNING:root:This warning message will print.
30-Oct 23:26:16:DEBUG:root:So will this debug message!

More advanced usage

It is possible to create multiple loggers that each have their own log levels and can write to different streams. A specific logger is used by giving it as the first argument to the logger functions or macros.

julia> loggerA = Logger("loggerA");

julia> Logging.configure(loggerA, level=ERROR);

julia> Logging.configure(loggerA, filename="loggerA.log");

julia> loggerB = Logger("loggerB");

julia> Logging.configure(loggerB, level=DEBUG);

julia> critical(loggerA, "critical message from loggerA");

julia> readlines(open("loggerA.log"))
1-element Array{Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String),1}:
 "24-mar 18:48:23:CRITICAL:loggerA:critical message form loggerA\n"

julia> critical(loggerB, "critical message from loggerB");
24-mar 18:49:15:CRITICAL:loggerB:critical message from loggerB

A logger can be created with a parent logger. A logger with a parent inherits the configuration of the parent.

julia> mum_logger = Logger("Mum");
julia> Logging.configure(mum_logger, level=INFO);
julia> son_logger = Logger("Son", parent=mum_logger);
julia> son_logger.level


  • By default, Logging.info masks Base.info. However, if Base.info is called before using Logging, info will always refer to the Base version.
julia> info("Here's some info.")
INFO: Here's some info.

julia> using Logging
Warning: using Logging.info in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.

julia> @Logging.configure(level=Logging.INFO)
Logger(root,INFO,TTY(open, 0 bytes waiting),root)

julia> info("Still using Base.info")
INFO: Still using Base.info

julia> Logging.info("You can still fully qualify Logging.info.")
17-Jan 13:19:56:INFO:root:You can still fully qualify Logging.info.

If this is not desirable, you may call @Logging.configure with override_info=true:

julia> info("Here's some info again.")
INFO: Here's some info again.

julia> using Logging
Warning: using Logging.info in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.

julia> @Logging.configure(level=Logging.INFO, override_info=true)
Warning: Method definition info(AbstractString...,) in module Base at util.jl:216 overwritten in module Main at /Users/kevin/.julia/v0.4/Logging/src/Logging.jl:85.
Logger(root,INFO,TTY(open, 0 bytes waiting),root)

julia> info("Now we're using Logging.info")
17-Jan 13:17:20:INFO:root:Now we're using Logging.info