
A logging library to stage new ideas for stdlib Logging
Author JuliaLogging
3 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
July 2020


Build Status

Logging2 is a library which extends the standard Julia Logging library with additional functionality. The intent of this library is to consolidate some of the more useful "core" logging functionality from the wider Julia ecosystem, and serve as a staging area to improve the logging standard library itself.


Redirect stdout or stderr to the logging system

Use redirect_stdout or redirect_stderr to redirect all strings written to stdout or stderr to any AbstractLogger during the execution of a given do block:

logger = current_logger() # or construct one explicitly
redirect_stdout(logger) do

Note that stdout and stderr are global streams, so this logging choice is made globally for the whole program. Therefore, you should probably only do this at the top level of your application (certainly never in any library code which you expect to run concurrently).