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using LOLTools.MatchV5
api_key = get(ENV, "RIOT_TOKEN", "")
region = "asia"
matchId = "KR_5424985325"
match = MatchV5.match_by_match_id(api_key, region, matchId)
@info[10].summonerName == "Chooooovyyyyyy"
using LOLTools.SummonerV4
api_key = get(ENV, "RIOT_TOKEN", "")
platform = "kr"
summoner = SummonerV4.summoner_by_name(api_key, platform, "오뚜기3분미트볼")
@info SummonerV4.summoner_by_id(api_key, platform, == summoner
using LOLTools.SpectatorV4
api_key = get(ENV, "RIOT_TOKEN", "")
platform = "kr"
featured = SpectatorV4.featured_games(api_key, platform)
@info featured.gameList[1].participants
using LOLTools.LeagueV4
api_key = get(ENV, "RIOT_TOKEN", "")
platform = "kr"
league = LeagueV4.challengerleagues(api_key, platform, "RANKED_SOLO_5x5")
@info sort(league.entries, by = x -> x.leaguePoints, rev=true)[1:5]
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