
Author JLTastet
8 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
October 2017


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This package defines the LorentzVector{T} and SpatialVector{T} types for use in computations involving Special Relativity. These types are statically allocated and should therefore be very fast.

The usual algebraic operations are implemented, as well as some domain-specific functions (such as boost) and many convenience methods.

The signature of the Minkowski metric (used for the inner product) is +,-,-,-.

⬇️ Installing

This package is now registered. To install it, just issue the following command from the Julia REPL:

(v1.0) pkg> add LorentzVectors

ℹ️ Usage

using LorentzVectors

p1 = Vec4(10, 0, 0, 10)
p2 = Vec4(7, 0, 1, 5)

m1 = (p1p1)
@assert m1 == 0 # p1 is lightlike, so its mass must be zero
m2 = (p2p2)
@assert m2 > 0

β1 = Vec3(p1/p1.t)
@assert norm(β1)  1 # Check that p1 travels at the speed of light

p2_rest = boost(p2, p2/p2.t) # Boost p2 to its rest frame
@assert p2_rest.t  m2 # Check that its energy at rest is equal to its mass

@assert boost(p2, zero(Vec3))  p2 # Identity boost

p_tot = p1 + p2
β_cm = p_tot/p_tot.t # Compute the velocity of the center of mass (CM)
p1_cm = boost(p1, β_cm) # Boost p1 and p2 to the CM frame
p2_cm = boost(p2, β_cm)
@assert norm(Vec3(p1_cm + p2_cm)) < 1e-12 # Check that the spatial parts cancel in the CM

u1 = rand(Vec3{Float64}) # Generate a random 3-vector on the unit sphere
@assert norm(u1)  1
u2 = normalize(Vec3(p2)) # Extract the spatial direction of p2
@assert norm(u2)  1

@assert Vec4 === LorentzVector # Long forms
@assert Vec3 === SpatialVector

x = Vec3(1f0, 0, 0) # Float64 is used by default, but it can be overriden
@assert typeof(x) == Vec3{Float32}

For more examples, have a look in the test directory.

❤️ Contributing

All contributions and suggestions are welcome ! Just open an issue or directly send a PR.

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