Solution of a problem in linear elasticity using Finite Element Method consists of solution of the stiffness matrix U=q'*K*q/2.
(see Examples)
- Sketching the geometry, making the FE mesh with GMSH.
- Solving problems from linear elasticity,
- 2D problems,
- Plane stress,
- Plane strain,
- 3D problem (solid body),
- 2D problems,
- which means the creation of the stiffness matrix
$\mathbf{K}$ of the problem using arbitrary- element types (line, triangle, rectangle, tetrahedron, hexahedron, pyramid, wedge)
- approximation order (up to ten, Lagrange polynomials)
- Applying distributed forces on arbitrary physical groups (see GMSH),
- Lines (in 2D: surface force, in 3D: edge force),
- Surfaces (in 2D: body force, in 3D: traction),
- Volumes (in 3D: body force),
- concentrated forces on nodes,
- which means the calculation of the load vector
$\mathbf{f}$ . - Constraints on physical groups (nodes on points, edges, surfaces and volumes).
- Applying initial conditions on arbitrary points, edges, surfaces, volumes and on combinations of them.
- Solution of static and dynamic (transient with central difference method) problems,
- which means the generations of the mass matrix
$\mathbf{M}$ . - Displaying the results (scalar or vector displacements, scalar or tensor stresses) with GMSH.
- When dynamic problems are solved animations are also possible (click on
$\triangleright$ ).
- When dynamic problems are solved animations are also possible (click on
- Plotting arbitrary results on paths.
- 2D axisymmetric problems
- 3D (and 2D) beam structures
- Shells
- Giving loads and prescribed displacements with functions
- MultiPoint Constraint (like MPC184 in Ansys)
- Different material properties on physical groups
- Contact problems,
- in 2D,
- in 3D,
- with Lagrange multiplier method.
- Defining and using coordinate systems,
- cartesian at arbitrary position and arbitrary orientation,
- cylindrical.
- Finite deformations.
- Heat conduction problems,
- solving conductivity matrix,
- solving heat capacity matrix.
- Dynamic transient problems with HHT-α (or Newmark).
- Linear buckling.
- Modal analysis (eigenfrequencies, modal shapes).
Any suggestions are welcome.
import LowLevelFEM as FEM
using LowLevelFEM
mat = FEM.material("body", E=2.e5, ν=0.3)
problem = FEM.Problem([mat], type="PlaneStress")
supp = FEM.displacementConstraint("supp", ux=0, uy=0)
load = FEM.load("load", fy=-1)
K = FEM.stiffnessMatrix(problem)
f = FEM.loadVector(problem, [load])
FEM.applyBoundaryConditions!(problem, K, f, [supp])
q = FEM.solveDisplacement(K, f)
S = FEM.solveStress(problem, q)
u = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uvec", name="uvec", visible=false)
ux = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "ux", name="ux", visible=false)
uy = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uy", name="uy", visible=false)
s = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "s", name="σ", visible=true, smooth=true)
sx = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sx", name="σx", visible=false, smooth=true)
sy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sy", name="σy", visible=false, smooth=true)
sxy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sxy", name="τxy", visible=false, smooth=true)
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sx, 100, name="σx", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sxy, 100, name="τxy", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", ux, 100, name="ux", visible=false);
Rectangle(1) = {0, 0, 0, 100, 10, 0};
Physical Curve("supp", 5) = {4};
Physical Curve("load", 6) = {2};
Physical Surface("body", 7) = {1};
Recombine Surface {1};
Transfinite Line {2,4} = 4;
Transfinite Line {1,3} = 31;
Transfinite Surface {1};
Mesh.ElementOrder = 3;
SetName "cantilever2D";
Mesh 2;
Point(5) = {10, 0, 0, 1.0};
Point(6) = {10, 10, 0, 1.0};
Line(5) = {5, 6};
Physical Curve("path", 8) = {5};
import LowLevelFEM as FEM
using LowLevelFEM
mat = FEM.material("body", E=2.e5, ν=0.3)
problem = FEM.Problem([mat])
supp = FEM.displacementConstraint("supp", ux=0, uy=0, uz=0)
load = FEM.load("load", fy=-1)
K = FEM.stiffnessMatrix(problem)
f = FEM.loadVector(problem, [load])
FEM.applyBoundaryConditions!(problem, K, f, [supp])
q = FEM.solveDisplacement(K, f)
S = FEM.solveStress(problem, q)
u = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uvec", name="uvec", visible=false)
ux = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "ux", name="ux", visible=false)
uy = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uy", name="uy", visible=false)
uz = FEM.showDoFResults(problem, q, "uz", name="uz", visible=false)
s = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "s", name="σ", visible=true, smooth=true)
sx = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sx", name="σx", visible=false, smooth=true)
sy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sy", name="σy", visible=false, smooth=true)
sz = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sz", name="σz", visible=false, smooth=true)
sxy = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "sxy", name="τxy", visible=false, smooth=true)
syz = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "syz", name="τyz", visible=false, smooth=true)
szx = FEM.showStressResults(problem, S, "szx", name="τzx", visible=false, smooth=true)
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sx, 100, name="σx", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", sxy, 100, name="τxy", visible=false);
FEM.plotOnPath(problem, "path", ux, 100, name="ux", visible=false);
Box(1) = {0, 0, 0, 100, 10, 10};
Physical Surface("supp", 13) = {1};
Physical Surface("load", 14) = {2};
Physical Volume("body", 15) = {1};
Recombine Surface {1:6};
Transfinite Line {1:8} = 4;
Transfinite Line {9:12} = 31;
Transfinite Surface {1:6};
Transfinite Volume {1};
Mesh.ElementOrder = 3;
SetName "cantilever3D";
Mesh 3;
Point(9) = {10, 0, 5, 1.0};
Point(10) = {10, 10, 5, 1.0};
Line(13) = {9, 10};
Physical Curve("path", 16) = {13};
For more examples see Documentation or examples on GitHub