Physicists love power laws. But, they don't always use the best methods for extracting powers from empirical data.
Here is a notebook using MaximumLikelihoodPower.jl
(this notebook is in the Notebooks folder in this distribution).
import MaximumLikelihoodPower
const MLE = MaximumLikelihoodPower
julia> seed = 11; α = 0.5;
# Get 10^6 samples from the Pareto distribution
julia> data = MLE.Example.makeparetodata(α, seed);
# Minimize the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
# The second value returned is the minimizing alpha
julia> MLE.scanKS(data, range(.4, length=11, stop=.6))
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
(estimate, stderr) = mle(data::AbstractVector)
Return the maximum likelihood estimate and standard error of the exponent of a power law
applied to the sorted vector data
KSstatistic(data::AbstractVector, alpha) --> Float64
Return the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
comparing data
to a power law with power alpha
. The elements of data
assumed to be unique. Minimizing the KS statistic over alpha is another way
to estimate the parameter of the sample distribution. See testKS
in the
Compute the Kolmogorov Smirnov statistic for several values of α in
the iterator powers
. Return the value of α
that minimizes the KS statistic and the two neighboring values.
Return the maximum likelihood estimate and standard error of the exponent of a power law
applied to the sorted vector data
. Also return the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Results
are returned in an instance of type MLEKS
scanmle(data::AbstractVector; ntrials=100, stderrcutoff=0.1, useKS=false)
Perform mle
approximately ntrials
times on data
, increasing xmin
. Stop trials
if the stderr
of the estimate alpha
is greater than stderrcutoff
. Return an object
containing statistics about the scan.
comparescan(mle::MLEKS, i, data, mlescan::MLEScan)
compare the results of MLE estimation mle
to record results
in mlescan
and update mlescan
Clauset, A., Shalizi, C. R., & Newman, M. E. J. (2009). Power-Law Distributions in Empirical Data. SIAM Review, 51(4), 661–703.,