
Conditionally optimize Julia code
Author emmt
3 Stars
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10 Months Ago
Started In
February 2020

Conditionally optimize Julia code

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When writing high performance Julia code, you may want to keep a reference code that perform bound checking, another version that assumes valid indices (and thus avoid bound checking) and perhaps a more heavily optimized version that requires loop vectorization. The MayOptimize package let you have the 3 variants available with a single version of the code.


The usage of MayOptimize is summarized in the following short example:

using MayOptimize

function foo!(::Type{P}, x::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Real, P<:OptimLevel}
    s = zero(T)
    # Loop 1: compute the sum of values.
    @maybe_inbounds P for i in eachindex(x)
        s += x[i]
    # Loop 2: fill with sum of values.
    @maybe_vectorized P for i in eachindex(x)
        x[i] += s
    return x, s

Note that the two above loops are preceded by the macros @maybe_inbounds and @maybe_vectorized which both take 2 arguments: a parameter P and an expression or a block of code (the 2nd argument must be a simple for loop for the @maybe_vectorized macro).

How is compiled the expression or the block of code is determined by the type parameter P:

  • P <: Debug for debugging or reference code that performs bound checking and no vectorization.

  • P <: InBounds for code that assumes valid indices and thus avoids bound checking.

  • P <: Vectorize for code that assumes valid indices and requires vectorization.

A block of code provided to the @maybe_inbounds macro will be compiled with bound checking (and thus no vectorization) if P <: Debug and without bound checking (as if @inbounds was specified) if P <: InBounds. Since Vectorize <: InBounds, specifying Vectorize in @maybe_inbounds also avoid bound checking.

A block of code provided to the @maybe_vectorized macro will be compiled with bound checking and no vectorization if P <: Debug, with no bound checking if P <: InBounds (as if @inbounds was specified) and with no bound checking and vectorization if P <: Vectorize (as if both @inbounds and @simd were specified).

Hence which version of foo! is called is decided by Julia method dispatcher according to the abstract types Debug, InBounds or Vectorize exported by MayOptimize. Calling:

foo!(Debug, x)

executes a version that checks bounds and does no vectorization, while calling:

foo!(InBounds, x)

executes a version that avoids bound checking (in the 2 loops) and finally calling:

foo!(Vectorize, x)

executes a version that avoids bound checking (in the 2 loops) and vectorizes the second loop.

It is easy to provide a default version so that other users need not have to bother choosing which version to use. For instance, assuming that you have checked that your code has no issues with indexing but that vectorization makes almost no difference, you may write:

foo!(x::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Real} = foo!(InBounds, x)

and decide later to change the default optimization level.


In Julia, hit the ] key to switch to the package manager REPL (you should get a ... pkg> prompt) and type:

add MayOptimize

No other packages are needed.


Left divison by a triangular matrix

MayOptimize extends a few base linear algebra methods such as the ldiv! method to perform the left division of a vector b by a matrix A and can be called as:

using MayOptimize, LinearAlgebra
ldiv!(opt, A, b)
ldiv!(opt, y, A, b)

In the first case, the operation is done in-place and b is overwritten with A\b, in the second case, A\b is stored in y. Argument opt can be MayOptimize.Standard to use Julia standard method (probably BLAS), Debug, InBounds, or Vectorize to compile Julia code in MayOptimize with different optimization settings. The following figures (obtained with Julia 1.6.3 on an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 16-Core processor) show how efficient can be Julia code when compiled with well chosen optimization settings (note the 1.7 gain compared to the standard implementation when @simd is used in the innermost loop level). Having a look at src/linalg.jl, you can realize that the code is identical for the Debug, InBounds or Vectorize settings (only the opt argument changes) and that this code turns out to be pretty straightforward.

Left division by a lower triangular matrix

Left division by the transpose of a lower triangular matrix

Left division by an upper triangular matrix

Left division by the transpose of an upper triangular matrix

Cholesky decomposition

MayOptimize also extends the cholesky and cholesky! methods to perform the Cholesky decomposition (without pivoting) of an Hermitian matrix A by regular Julia code and with optimization level opt:

using MayOptimize, LinearAlgebra
cholesky!(opt, A)
B = cholesky(opt, A)

In the first case, the decomposition is done in-place and the uopper or lower triangular part of A is overwritten with one factor of its Cholesky decomposition which is returned. In the second case, A is left unchanged. Apart from the opt argument (which also avoids type-piracy) and rounding errors, the result is the same as with the standard method provided by LinearAlgebra and which calls BLAS. As illustrated below, the Julia code may be much faster than BLAS for matrices of size smaller or equal 200×200 in spite of the fact that BLAS may run on several threads whereas the optimized Julia code is executed on a single thread.

The opt argument specifies the optimization level (Debug, InBounds, or Vectorize) and/or the algorithm used for the decomposition (CholeskyBanachiewiczLowerI, CholeskyBanachiewiczLowerII, CholeskyBanachiewiczUpper, CholeskyCroutLower, CholeskyCroutUpperI, or CholeskyCroutUpperII). For instance, choose op to be CholeskyBanachiewiczLower(Vectorize) to compute the L'⋅L Cholesky factorization with L lower triangular by the Cholesky-Banachiewicz (row-size) algorithm with loop vectorization. If only an algorithm is specified without optimization level, the best optimization level for this algorithm is used. Conversely, if only the optimization level is specified, the fastest algorithm is used. However these default choices are optimal for a testing machine which may be different than yours.

The following figures (obtained with Julia 1.6.3 with Float32 values on an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X 16-Core processor) show how efficient can be Julia code when compiled with well chosen optimization settings (note the 200% gain compared to the BLAS implementation when @simd is used in the innermost loop levels for 100×100 matrices).

Cholesky decomposition with no optimization

Cholesky decomposition with in-bounds optimization

Cholesky decomposition with SIMD vectorization

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