Julia bindings for Japanese morphological analyzer MeCab
using MeCab
# Create MeCab tagger
mecab = Mecab()
# You can give MeCab option like "-o wakati"
# mecab = Mecab("-o wakati")
# Parse text
# It returns Array of MecabNode type
results = parse(mecab, "すももももももももものうち")
# Access each result.
# It returns Array of String
for result in results
println(result.surface, ":", result.feature)
# Parse surface
results = parse_surface(mecab, "すももももももももものうち")
# Access each result
# It returns Array of Array of MecabNode
for result in results
# Parse nbest result
nbest_results = parse_nbest(mecab, 3, "すももももももももものうち")
for nbest_result in nbest_results
for result in nbest_result
println(result.surface, ":", result.feature)
- mecab
- dictionary for mecab (such as mecab-ipadic, mecab-naist-jdic, and so on)
If you don't install mecab and libmecab yet, MeCab.jl will install mecab, libmecab and mecab-ipadic that are confirmed to work with MeCab.jl under unix-like environment.
Note that by default, MeCab.jl will try to find system-installed libmecab (e.g. /usr/lib/libmecab.dylib). If you have already libmecab installed, this might cause library or dictionary incompatibility that MeCab.jl assumes. If you have any problem with system-installed ones, please try to ignore them and rebuild MeCab.jl by:
julia> ENV["MECABJL_LIBRARY_IGNORE_PATH"] = "/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" # depends on your environment
julia> Pkg.build("MeCab")
The libmecab library path will be stored in MeCab.libmecab
after loading MeCab.jl. The library path should look like for example:
julia> using MeCab
julia> MeCab.libmecab
MeCab.jl is created by Michiaki Ariga
Original MeCab is created by Taku Kudo