
Author chenspc
1 Star
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
March 2022


Stable Dev Build Status Build Status Coverage

This is a control software package for Medipix detectors. Testing of the package is carried out on a quad-chip Medipix-4R detector (Merlin EM by QuantumDetector) installed on JEM-ARM300F2 GRAND ARM™2 at Rosalind Franklin Institute.


  • JuilaLang: Downloads and Documentation
  • Open a Julia REPL, press ] to use the package mode and add the package. (first time only)
pkg> add Medipix

Basic usage

Before establishing a connection to the Medipix detector, the Merlin software needs to be opened on the Medipix host PC, i.e. MerlinPC. If running locally on the MerlinPC, a MedipixConnection can be set up as below.

julia> using Medipix

julia> m = MedipixConnection()
MedipixConnection(ip"", 6341, 6342, Sockets.TCPSocket(Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket(0x0000000000006dc8) open, 0 bytes waiting), S
ockets.TCPSocket(Base.Libc.WindowsRawSocket(0x0000000000006f48) open, 0 bytes waiting), String[])

Remote connection from another computer on the same network can be achieved by supplying the MerlinPC's IP address. Note that only one connection is allowed by the Merlin software. Close any existing connection using the function close_connection before attempting a new connection.

julia> using Medipix

julia> medipix_ip = ip""

julia> m = MedipixConnection(medipix_ip)
MedipixConnection(ip"", 6341, 6342, Sockets.TCPSocket(RawFD(26) open, 0 bytes waiting), Sockets.TCPSocket(RawFD(27) open, 0 bytes waiting), String[])

The @medipix macro provides an easy way to add functions that coorespond to the commands implemented via the TCP/IP protocal. For example:

julia> @medipix "CMD" "STARTACQUISITION"
cmd_startacquisition (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @medipix "GET" "DETECTORSTATUS"
get_detectorstatus (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @medipix "GET/SET" "ACQUISITIONTIME"
set_acquisitiontime (generic function with 1 method)

These functions generate Medipix command strings, which need to be sent via the connection using the send_cmd function to either get/set parameters or executing commands.

julia> cmd = get_acquisitiontime()

julia> send_cmd(m, cmd)

julia> send_cmd(m, cmd; verbose=true)
[2023-05-27T18:31:00.285]       GET,ACQUISITIONTIME >>> --- <<< GET,ACQUISITIONTIME,0.412270,0

julia> cmds = [set_acquisitiontime(1), get_acquisitiontime()]
2-element Vector{String}:

julia> send_cmd(m, cmds; verbose=true)
[2023-05-27T18:31:57.583]       SET,ACQUISITIONTIME,1 >>> --- <<< SET,ACQUISITIONTIME,0
[2023-05-27T18:31:57.583]       GET,ACQUISITIONTIME >>> --- <<< GET,ACQUISITIONTIME,1.000000,0
2-element Vector{Union{Nothing, SubString{String}}}:

julia> send_cmd(m, cmd_startacquisition(); verbose=true)
[2023-05-27T18:33:49.568]       CMD,STARTACQUISITION >>> --- <<< CMD,STARTACQUISITION,0

Some common commands are already generated and exported by the package.


MIT Licence

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