
MHLib.jl - A Toolbox for Metaheuristics and Hybrid Optimization Methods in Julia
Author ac-tuwien
23 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
November 2019

MHLib.jl - A Toolbox for Metaheuristics and Hybrid Optimization Methods

Build Status

This project is still in early development, any feedback is much appreciated!

MHLib.jl is a collection of modules, types, and functions in Julia 1.5+ supporting the effective implementation of metaheuristics and certain hybrid optimization approaches for solving primarily combinatorial optimization problems.

Julia MHLib.jl emerged from the Python mhlib and the older C++ mhlib to which it has certain similarities but also many differences.

The main purpose of the library is to support rapid prototyping and teaching as well as efficient implementations due to Julia's highly effective just-in-time-compilation.

MHLib.jl is developed primarily by the Algorithms and Complexity Group of TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, since 2020.


  • Günther Raidl (primarily responsible)
  • Nikolaus Frohner
  • Thomas Jatschka
  • Fabio Oberweger


Major versions of pymhlib can be installed from the Julia REPL via

] add MHLib

Development versions are available at and can be installed via

] add

Major Components

Note that MHLib.jl is still far behind the capabilities of the Python pymhlib.

The main module provides the following types for candidate solutions and various functions for them:

  • Solution: An abstract type that represents a candidate solution to an optimization problem.
  • VectorSolution: An abstract solution encoded by a vector of some user-provided type.
  • BoolVectorSolution: An abstract solution encoded by a boolean vector.
  • PermutationSolution: An abstract solution representing permutations of a fixed number of elements. _ SubsetVectorSolution: A solution that is an arbitrary cardinality subset of a given set represented in vector form. The front part represents the selected elements, the back part optionally the unselected ones.

Moreover, the main module provides:

  • git_version(): Function returning the abbreviated git version string of the current project.
  • settings: Global settings that can be defined independently per module in a distributed way, while values for these parameters can be provided as program arguments or in configuration files. Most pymhlib modules rely on this mechanism for their external parameters.

Further modules:

  • Schedulers, type Scheduler: A an abstract framework for single trajectory metaheuristics that rely on iteratively applying certain methods to a current solution. Modules like GVNSs and ALNSs extend this type towards more specific metaheuristics.
  • GVNSs, type GVNSs: A framework for local search, iterated local search, (general) variable neighborhood search, GRASP, etc.
  • ALNSs, type ALNS: A framework for adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS).


For demonstration purposes, simple metaheuristic approaches are provided in the test subdirectory for the following well-known combinatorial optimization problems. They can be started as shown in the respective sections of runtests.jl.

It is recommended to take such a demo as template for solving your own problem.

  • OneMax: basic test problem in which the goal is to set all digits in a binary string to true
  • GraphColoring: graph coloring problem based on VectorSolution
  • MAXSAT: maximum satisfiability problem based on BinaryVectorSolution
  • TSP: traveling salesperson problem based on PermutationSolution
  • MKP: multi-constrained knapsack problem based on SubsetVectorSolution
  • MISP: maximum independent set problem based on SubsetVectorSolution



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