
Author UniStuttgart-IKR
7 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
January 2023


A Framework for Intent-driven Multi-Domain Network coordination

MINDFul.jl is a young project aiming to research coordination algorithms of intent-driven multi-domain (MD) networks. It offers interfaces for the development of resource-allocation algorithms and MD coordination mechanisms.

For now, MINDFul.jl only supports simulation, but future work may bind MINDFul.jl with real-life Software Defined Network (SDN) controllers like ODL or ONOS

This package is in an early development stage and might break often. If you have problems, try updating to the latest Julia version, as we closely follow the new releases and backwards compatibility is not promised.

Companion repositories:

Currently, as you will find in MINDFulNotebookExamples there are some workflow dependencies on forked/unregistered packages due to pending PRs. These will be handled in time.

Watch our JuliaCon2023 presentation to learn more on YouTube

Click to watch video

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