This code has been merged in to Images.jl
It only remains here for historical reasons. Please use Images.jl
The filter computes the minima and/or maxima of an array over sliding window with a given size.
This is a port of the Lemire min max filter as implemented by Bruno Luong.
Read in three dimensional data, plot and find peaks.
Uses Winston and EEG packages for plotting.
using Winston
using EEG
filen = matopen(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "3d_array.mat"))
A = read(filen, "image")
A = convert(Array{FloatingPoint}, A)
p = plot_dat(A)
minval, maxval = minmax_filter(A, 6, verbose=false)
matching = A[2:size(maxval)[1]+1, 2:size(maxval)[2]+1, 2:size(maxval)[3]+1]
matching = matching .== maxval
peaks = maxval[matching]
peaks = peaks[peaks .>= 0.1 * maximum(peaks)]
for l = 1:length(peaks)
x, y, z = ind2sub(size(A), find(A .== peaks[l]))
println("x=$x, y=$y, z=$z, val=$(A[x,y,z])")
oplot(p, x, y, z)