
A Julia plotting package using the PGF Basic Layer Core.
Author tpapp
3 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
December 2022


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A Julia plotting package using the PGF Basic Layer Core.

Very experimental, each commit may break something, don't use in production code.


This is (yet another) plotting package for Julia. It produces plots using the basic layer of pgf, and can also compile them via LaTeX.

It can currently output plots as pdf, svg, tex (standalone file) and tikz (for embedding in LaTeX documents). The comparative advantage of this package lies in its close integration with LaTeX: you can use LaTeX expressions for text, eg various text labels, and the resulting plots blend seamlessly with your LaTeX document. Unless you need these, it may not make sense to use this package, as it is not particularly fast, and does not handle busy plots (with eg overplotting) very well.

A closely related package is PGFPlotsX.jl. The table below compares them, planned features are in italics.

PGFPlotsX.jl Miter.jl
uses pgfplots uses the basic layer primitives of pgf, doing calculations in Julia whenever possible, may be faster
options and syntax can match pgfplots closely not related to pgfplots in any way, uses only Julia syntax
units passed as text strings uses Unitful.jl for units
colors need to be expanded to text strings in some cases uses ColorTypes.jl for colors
needs a local LaTeX installation, pdf2svg, etc uses binaries from jlls (planned: optionally uses local installation)
strings passed through as is special chars in strings (#, $, ...) escaped by default, use math or latex

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