
Layout Algebra on GPU in Julia
Author YichengDWu
15 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
April 2023


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage

The MoYe.jl library draws significant inspiration from NVIDIA's CuTe and is built with similar underlying structures.

The name Mo Ye is derived from an ancient Chinese legend of swordsmiths.


pkg> add MoYe

Quick Start

julia> a = MoYeArray(pointer([i for i in 1:48]), @Layout((6,8)))
6×8 MoYeArray{Int64, 2, ViewEngine{Int64, Ptr{Int64}}, Layout{2, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{6}, Static.StaticInt{8}}, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{1}, Static.StaticInt{6}}}}:
 1   7  13  19  25  31  37  43
 2   8  14  20  26  32  38  44
 3   9  15  21  27  33  39  45
 4  10  16  22  28  34  40  46
 5  11  17  23  29  35  41  47
 6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48

julia> subtile_a = @tile a static((3,4)) (1, 2) # partition a into subtiles of shape 3 x 4, returns the subtile at (1,2)
3×4 MoYeArray{Int64, 2, ViewEngine{Int64, Ptr{Int64}}, Layout{2, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{3}, Static.StaticInt{4}}, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{1}, Static.StaticInt{6}}}}:
 25  31  37  43
 26  32  38  44
 27  33  39  45

julia> workitems_a = @parallelize subtile_a static((3,2)) (1,1) # 3 x 2 threads, returns what thread (1,1) is working on
1×2 MoYeArray{Int64, 2, ViewEngine{Int64, Ptr{Int64}}, Layout{2, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{1}, Static.StaticInt{2}}, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{0}, Static.StaticInt{12}}}}:
 25  37

julia> for i in eachindex(workitems_a)
           workitems_a[i] = 0

julia> a
6×8 MoYeArray{Int64, 2, ViewEngine{Int64, Ptr{Int64}}, Layout{2, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{6}, Static.StaticInt{8}}, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{1}, Static.StaticInt{6}}}}:
 1   7  13  19   0  31   0  43
 2   8  14  20  26  32  38  44
 3   9  15  21  27  33  39  45
 4  10  16  22  28  34  40  46
 5  11  17  23  29  35  41  47
 6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48
 julia> @tile subtile_a static((3,1)) (1, 2) # if you want, you can always tile a subtile
3×1 MoYeArray{Int64, 2, ViewEngine{Int64, Ptr{Int64}}, Layout{2, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{3}, Static.StaticInt{1}}, Tuple{Static.StaticInt{1}, Static.StaticInt{0}}}}: