This package contains tools for designing a Muller plot. This is a visual representation of a time-varying population in which subclones expand and/or contract, that simultaneously demonstrates the clone's growth curves and their parent-child relationships. The core functionality takes subclone size information and returns 2D coordinate data which can be visualized with any plotting package.
First we load population size and parental relationship data.
using CSV, DataFrames
n_t_vid = CSV.File("data/dataMullerplot_sizes.csv", header=false) |> Tables.matrix
parentVid_vid = CSV.File("data/dataMullerplot_parentLineage.csv", header=false) |> Tables.matrix |> vec
tBirth_vid = CSV.File("data/dataMullerplot_arrivalTimes.csv", header=false) |> Tables.matrix |> vec
To use the package functionality, the input data has several requirements. n_t_vid
must be a matrix of clone sizes, where the first dimension is indexed by the time points at which the sizes are measured, and the second by the different clones. Each clone in the system is designated an integer id that coincides with its index in any array indexing over the different clones:
n_t_vid |
clone 1 | clone 2 | clone 3 | ... |
... | ||||
... | ||||
... | ||||
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Clone sizes
is a vector indexed by the different clone id's, containing the id (/index) of the clone's direct parent. For example, parentVid_vid[5]
returns the id/index of the parent of the clone at index 5. A clone who's parent is the wild type takes a parent id 0.
Next we create bounds for plotting each clone:
using MullerPlot
xL_t_vid, xU_t_vid = mullerBounds(n_t_vid, parentVid_vid)
The method mullerBounds(...)
returns two matrices containing the coordinates of respectively the upper and lower bounds of each clone (newly arising population) in the population. The first dimension of these matrices indexes the measurement times (typically the x-axis of a Muller plot), and the second the different clones. For example xL_t_vid[:,5]
is a vector containing the size-axis coordinate (usually the y-axis) of the lower bound of the 5th clone at all timepoints, and xL_t_vid[5,:]
is a vector containing the size-axis coordinates of all clones at the 5th timepoint.
It is also possible to select only a subset of clones for the plot, using a boolean vector as third argument. For example, if we wish to only show clones that consist of at least 1% of the population at the final measurement time:
visible_vid = n_t_vid[end,:] .> 0.01
xL_t_vid, xU_t_vid = MullerPlot.mullerBounds(n_t_vid, parentVid_vid, visible_vid)
Here we use Makie.jl
to construct the plot:
_t = range(0,100,length=size(n_t_vid,1)) # set equidistant measurement times
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(size=(800,600), fontsize=25)
for i in 2:size(xL_t_vid,2) # the first index is the wild type
_t, xL_t_vid[:,i], xU_t_vid[:,i],
xU_t_vid[Int(round(tBirth_vid[visible_vid][i]))+1, i],