The package MultivariateSeries.jl
provides tools for the manipulation of
series indexed by monomial exponents, sequence of moments, linear functionals on polynomials
and polynomial-exponential decomposition.
To install the registered package within julia:
] add MultivariateSeries
or the latest version
] add
using MultivariateSeries
X = @ring x1 x2
n = length(X)
d = 4
r = 4
Xi0 = randn(n,r)
w0 = rand(r)
L = monomials(X,seq(0:5))
sigma = series(w0, Xi0, L)
L2 = monomials(X,0:2)
L3 = monomials(X,0:3)
H = hankel(sigma, L2, L3)
w, Xi = decompose(sigma)
- Julia 1.0
- DynamicPolynomials
- MultivariatePolynomials