The interface for Mutable Until Shared data structures. (MutTS - Mutable 'Til Shared)
provides infrastructure for building versioned data structures that follow the
mutable-until-shared discipline, providing all the benefits of purely-functional data
structures (worry-free, lock-free, super fast concurrency), with the pragmatic programming
and performance benefits of mutable data.
The @mutt
keyword marks a struct as being mutable until shared, meaning that it
starts out mutable, until it is branched-from or manually marked immutable, after
which it is permanently immutable. This gurantees concurrency-friendly immutable data, while
still allowing in-place construction of complex objects.
julia> @mutt struct S
julia> MuttsInterface.make_mutable_copy(rhs::S) = S(rhs.x)
julia> s = S(2)
S(true, 2)
julia> s.x = 3
julia> s2 = branch!(s)
S(true, 3)
julia> s
S(false, 3)
julia> s.x = 4
ERROR: AssertionError: is_mutts_mutable(obj)