
NaN-compatible functions, but using Base julia instead of libm
Author longemen3000
3 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
April 2022


Build Status codecov

Alternative approach to NaNMath.jl, by using the functions available in Julia Base instead of the Libm ones.

It should be (almost) drop-in replacement for NaNMath.jl.

Mathematic functions:

The following functions are not exported but defined:

  • Logarithmic:
    • log(x),log1p(x),log2(x),log10(x),log1p(x)
    • log(x,base)
  • Trigonometric:
    • sin(x),cos(x),tan(x),cot(x),sec(x),csc(x)
    • sind(x),cosd(x),tand(x),cotd(x),secd(x),cscd(x)
    • sinpi(x),cospi(x)
    • sincos(x),sincosd(x),sincospi(x)
    • asin(x),acos(x),asec(x),acsc(x)
    • asind(x),acosd(x),asecd(x),acscd(x)
  • Hyperbolic:
    • acosh(x),asech(x),atanh(x),acoth(x)
  • sqrt(x)
  • pow(x,y)
  • min(x),max(x)


The package only exports a single function: skipnan(itr) that works in the same way that skipmissing(itr):

x = collect(1.0:10.0)
x[end] = NaN
xn = skipnan(x)
sum(xn) #45


The package uses the nan(::Type{<:Real}) function to obtain an always valid NaN. on types that aren't capable of holding NaNs, (like all integers), it will return a promoted type that can hold NaNs (Float64 for Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64, BigFloat for BigInt). on Rationals, nan(Rational{T}) = nan(T). This function should satisfy isnan(nan(T))

It defaults to zero(x)/zero(x).

Differences with NaNMath.jl

  • instead of providing NaN-compatible sum, maximum, minimum, etc. It provides a nan-skipping iterator. it can reproduce almost all functionality, except some corner cases:
    • sum(skipnan[NaN]) is 0.0 instead of NaN, because collect(skipnan([NaN])) = Float64[] and sum(Float64[]) == 0.0
    • median(skipnan([NaN]) is not defined. same reason that with sum Other than that, skipnan expands the NaN functionality to any reducing operator.
  • pow(x::Integer,y::Integer) will always promote to a float type.
  • NativeNaNMath.f(x) where x is not a Real number will always default to Base.f(x). This is useful because automatic differenciation and custom number types can use this package without overloading anything.