This package provides a class for a non-deterministic priority queue. It allows to draw random items from the queue with a probability proportional to their priority.
using NDPriorityQueues
pq = NDPriorityQueue{Int, Float64}()
enqueue!(pq, 1, 1.0) # add item 1 with priority 1.0
enqueue!(pq, 2, 2.0)
pq[2] = 3.0 # change priority of item 2 to 3.0
pq[3] = 4.0 # add item 3 with priority 4.0
draw(pq) # draw a random item from the queue (e.g. 3) without removing it
dequeue!(pq) # remove and return a random item from the queue
dequeue_pair!(pq) # remove and return a random item and its priority from the queue
pq[1] # get priority of item 1
delete!(pq, 1) # remove item 1 from the queue
pq = NDPriorityQueue{Int, Float64}(Dict(1 => 1.0, 2 => 2.0)) # create queue from dictionary