
Open Sound Control For Julia
Author fundamental
21 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
October 2013

OSC.jl -- Implementation of the Open Sound Control Serialization Format

Build Status

OSC.jl provides an implementation of the OSC binary format commonly used in networked control of musical applications. The code is based on a relatively straightforward translation of librtosc(

Sample Usage

i = Int32(          42         ); #integer
f = Float32(        0.25;      ); #float
s =                "string"       #string
b =                 s;            #blob
h = Int64(          -125;      ); #long integer
t = UInt64(         22412;     ); #timetag
d = Float64(        0.125;     ); #double
S =                 "Symbol"      #symbol
c = Char(           'J'        ); #character
r = Int32(          0x12345678 ); #RGBA
m = Array{UInt8,1}( [0x12,0x23,   #midi

msg = OscMsg("/dest", "[ifsbhtdScrmTFNI]", i,f,s,b,h,t,d,S,c,r,m);

This produces:

OSC Message to /dest
    # 1 i:Int32 - 42
    # 2 f:Float32 - 0.25
    # 3 s:String - string
    # 4 b:Blob - Uint8[115 116 114 105 110 103]
    # 5 h:Int32 - -125
    # 6 t:Uint64 - 22412
    # 7 d:Float64 - 0.125
    # 8 S:Symbol - Symbol
    # 9 c:Char - J
    #10 r:RBG - 305419896
    #11 m:Midi - Uint8[18 35 52 69]
    #12 T: - true
    #13 F: - false
    #14 N:Nothing - nothing
    #15 I:Inf - nothing

Accessing the fields is done via the [] operator.

Networked Usage

Most of the usage is going to involve sending the OSC messages over UDP to another program. To do this, first start two julia instances. In the first one run

using Sockets
using OpenSoundControl
sock2 = UDPSocket()
bind(sock2, ip"", 7777)
msg2 = OscMsg(recv(sock2))

The first instance will now wait for the second to send an OSC message. To send the an OSC message, in the second window type.

using Sockets
using OpenSoundControl
sock1 = UDPSocket()
msg1 = OpenSoundControl.message("/hello world", "sSif", "strings", "symbols", Int32(234), Float32(2.3))
send(sock1, ip"", 7777,


  • Port bundle message support from librtosc


OSC.jl is licensed under the LGPLv3 License

Required Packages

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