using Osnaps
# Define an objective function (using Ackley function here as an example)functionackley(x::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:Real
arg1 =0.0
arg2 =0.0
dims =length(x)
@inboundsfor i ineachindex(x)
arg1 +=abs2(x[i])
arg2 +=cospi(2.0* x[i])
arg1 =0.2*sqrt(arg1 / dims)
arg2 /= dims
return-20.0*exp(-arg1) -exp(arg2) + ℯ +20.0end
nd =15
lb =ntuple(i ->-32.0, nd) # lower bounds
ub =ntuple(i ->+32.0, nd) # upper bounds
obj =optimizer(nd) # create an object for the optimizationminimize!(obj, ackley, lb, ub, avgtimes=3)
println(obj.xsol) # print the resulted solution
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