The PALEOocean Julia package provides:
- a catalog of ocean circulation models, including low-dimensional box models and GCM transport-matrix representations of the global ocean at resolutions up to 1 deg.
- air-sea exchange
- vertical tracer and light transport
- biological production
- parameterisations of burial fluxes
It can be used to create standalone ocean models, or combined with other components in the PALEOtoolkit biogeochemical model framework to create coupled Earth and exo-Earth system models.
Documentation is available online at
The PALEOocean Reactions are available to the PALEOtoolkit framework when the registered PALEOocean package is installed and loaded:
julia> Pkg.add("PALEOocean") # install PALEOocean package in the currently active Julia environment
julia> import PALEOocean
To install and run the PALEOocean examples, clone this github repository to local directory PALEOocean
and run the examples from the Julia REPL.
Quickstart assuming a recent Julia installation: from a linux bash prompt or a Windows terminal,
$ git clone PALEOocean
Start julia and navigate to the PALEOocean/examples
folder, and run setup.jl
to configure the PALEOocean/examples
Julia environment to use the local (downloaded) version of the PALEOocean package:
julia> cd("PALEOocean/examples")
julia> include("setup.jl") # use the local version of PALEOocean packages to allow local modifications
Examples are in subfolders of PALEOocean/examples/
and use the PALEOocean/examples
Julia environment.
See Installation and getting started in the PALEOtutorials repository for more details including installation and configuration of Julia.