
Julia package to read in Philips workspace files exported using RawExportTool
Author oscarvanderheide
1 Star
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
June 2024


This package is used to read in workspace.json files that are exported for each scan with the UMCU Raw Export Tool. The workspace contains all parameter values, object and enumerations. This package uses JSON.jl to read in the .json file as a Dict and provides functionality to extract objects and parameters in a convenient (NamedTuple-based) format.


Activate the environment where you want to use this package, enter Pkg mode and add the package with the following command:



using PhilipsWorkspace

workspace = read_workspace(path_to_workspace_file)

# Get a single instance of an object
SQ_base = get_object("SQ", "base", workspace);

# The object instance is stored as a NamedTuple. Use dot-syntax to access its attributes

# Get all objects of a certain type
RF = get_all_objects_of_type("RF", workspace)

# RF itself is a NamedTuple as well (with each instance being a NamedTuple like before)

# Get the value of an individual parameter
EX_PROTO_scan_enable = get_parameter_value("EX_PROTO_scan_enable", workspace)

# Get all parameters of a certain "parameter group"
VAL_FFE = get_parameter_group("VAL", workspace)


  • Improve printing of objects/parameters in REPL
  • Add functionality to (fuzzy) search in the workspace

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