Wrapper for python io3d
Package is used to read 3D data from various file formats like DICOM, tiff. There is also support for open datasets download and organization datasets in data directory.
Install Io3d
for Python. In command line use:
conda install -c mjirik -c conda-forge -c SimpleITK Io3d
which python
In Julia
ENV["PYTHON"] = "/home/mirjirik/space/conda-env/julia/bin/python"
] add PyCall
] build PyCall
] add https://github.com/mjirik/Pio3d.jl
using Pio3d
using Pio3d
datap = Pio3d.read3d(Pio3d.datasets_join_path("medical/orig/sample_data/nrn4.pklz"))
seg = data["data3d"] .> 4000
List of all available labels for dataset_download
function can be obtained by fallowing command.
using Pio3d