
A Smoother Pipe Operator in the Julia REPL
Author umlet
9 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
November 2023

Pipette: A Smoother Pipe Operator

If you love the Julia REPL and the pipe operator,

if you have a problem with typing the prickly " |> " sequence1,

and if no one else can help,

maybe you can hire Pipette and insert " |> " with double-tapping arrow-right [➔] at the end of the line:

julia> get_transmogrifying_iterator()#..now just double tap [➔]..


julia> get_transmogrifying_iterator() |> #<- ta ta-da TAAAA!

Alternatively, press [Ctrl+➔] to insert the string " |> " anywhere on a line.


  • The delay between [➔]-taps must be <300 milli-seconds to register as double-tap.

    It also must be >100 milli-seconds -- this avoids pipes galore when you keep pressing the cursor to reach the end of a line.

    You can configure this with

    julia> Pipette.set_doubletap_delay(from=100, to=300)
  • To tune this, find out your tapping speed and keyboard repeat delay with Pipette.tune_doubletap_delay().

  • To turn Pipette on or off, use Pipette.on() or Pipette.off(). To keep the [Ctrl+➔]-behavior, and just turn off the double-tap one, set the range to zeros.


Just ]add Pipette and keep using Pipette.

To turn it on by default, you can modify .julia/config/startup.jl:

atreplinit() do repl
    try         @eval using Pipette  
    catch e;    @warn "Pipette startup error" e  end

(Pipette exports nothing, btw.)


Version History

  • 0.1 Initial version



  1. On a German keyboard, e.g., you need to type [Space] [AltGr+"|"] [Shift+">"] [Space].