
Visualize the dependency graph of a Julia package
43 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
December 2022


Visualize the dependency graph of a Julia package


using PkgGraph

This will open the browser to this url, which renders something like the following:

Dependency graph of Unitful, rendered with Graphviz dot

Packages in the Julia standard library are by default faded-out. To remove them entirely from the graph, set the keyword argument stdlib = false.

Similarly, you can filter out binary dependencies (JLL packages) by setting jll = false.

Local rendering

If you are offline, you can use something like

depgraph_image(:Unitful, dir=".", fmt=:svg)

This will call dot to create an SVG image in the current directory ("."), and will open it with your default image viewer.

If only the package-name is provided, dir = tempdir() and fmt = :png are used.


The code tries to be modular. So if you want something a bit different than what the above interface offers, you might be able to compose it from various internal functions: see the Reference section in the .


See 'Known limitations & Bugs' in the issue tracker. Also see Roadmap.


PkgGraph is available in the Julia general registry and can be installed as usual with

pkg> add PkgGraph

It supports Julia versions down to 1.6

Global Install

You might want to install PkgGraph in your base environment (e.g. v1.9).
You can then use it in any project, without having to install it in that project or having to switch projects.

You can activate your base environment using ] activate (i.e. activate 'nothing'), and then add PkgGraph there.

Another way to obtain a global install is to run – from within any environment:

julia> using PkgGraph

If the package is not found, Julia will offer to install it.
Type 'o' to choose to install it in your base environment.


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Unreleased Changes  

For the latest commit on main (aka dev and unstable):

CI status

You can install PkgGraph at this latest commit using

pkg> add

It might be a good idea to install at a fixed revision instead. Preferably at one that passed tests. For example:

pkg> add 


Ideas for improvement are currently managed with GitHub issues.
User-visible enhancements to src/ are labelled with .

For v1:

No progress guaranteed, Software provided 'as is', etc.


Well-considered PRs, Issues, and Discussions are welcome.

Participants are expected to adhere to the standards for constructive communication as e.g. described in this Code of Conduct.

How to hack on the code

Check out the code for development using

pkg> dev PkgGraph

One fun development method is to open one of the src/ files in, e.g, VS Code, and treat is as a script, breaking open functions and executing individual lines in the integrated Julia REPL. (Dummy input data can be copy-pasted in from the corresponding file in test/).

See the readmes in test/ and in docs/ for how to locally run the tests and build the documentation.

See the Developer Guide in the documentation for more.


Julia packages similar to PkgGraph.jl:

See Related work in the documentation for more info.

Used By Packages

No packages found.