
Parse metadata from Project.toml files of installed packages
Author mofeing
2 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
January 2023


CI codecov

A small library for parsing [metadata] of Project.toml files from installed packages in the environment.

An example is shown in test/PkgDemo.

name = "PkgDemo"
uuid = "3736cb39-e601-445f-987c-61a75079cc79"

target = "greet"
array = ["hello", "world"]

subtarget = "subgreet"

PkgMetadata exports the metadata function which returns a Dict from package names to parsed metadata. If PkgDemo is added to the current environment, the result will be the following:

julia> using PkgMetadata

julia> metadata()
Dict{String, Dict{String, Any}} with 1 entry:
  "PkgDemo" => Dict("sub"=>Dict{String, Any}("subtarget"=>"subgreet"), "array"=>["hello", "world"], "target"=>"greet")