A package to help quickly open (via a few keystrokes at the Julia REPL) package documentation web sites or other user-selected sites.
julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("PkgOnlineHelp")
For convenience, you may wish to add the following line to your startup.jl file:
using PkgOnlineHelp
The main convenience macro is @docs
. An example of usage:
julia> using PkgOnlineHelp # If not included in your startup.jl
julia> @docs StaticArrays
The StaticArrays
repo site is returned and opened in the browser. By default, when
invoked with a package name as shown above, @docs
will return and open the package's
repo web site. However, this site choice can be overridden via a call to add_pkg_docs
shown below. The repo site was determined by searching through all Julia registries
, implying that unregistered packages will not be found, by default.
However, @docs
can also be used to access unregistered packages or even arbitrary web sites.
Suppose you wish to have rapid access to the portion of the online Julia documentation discussing
macros. Then you would (one time only) enter the following at the Julia prompt:
julia> add_pkg_docs("macros", "https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/metaprogramming/#man-macros")
Later in this Julia session, or in any future session, the site can be quickly opened by entering
julia> @docs macros
Of course, this example assumes that using PkgOnlineHelp
has already been entered.
Similarly, entering
julia> add_pkg_docs("StaticArrays", "https://juliaarrays.github.io/StaticArrays.jl/stable/")
will cause future invocations of @docs StaticArrays
to open the hosted documentation for the package, rather than the repo site.
Each call to add_pkg_docs
adds an entry to a tiny TOML database file stored in a
Scratch space, providing permanence across Julia sessions.
The contents of the PkgOnlineHelp
database can be shown by typing list_pkg_docs()
at the REPL prompt. Items can be removed using, e.g. remove_pkg_docs("macros")
url = pkg_site(pkgname::AbstractString; autoopen=true)
Attempt to find the URL of a package's home repository, by searching through the registries in DEPOT_PATH
. If autoopen
is true
(default), then open the URL using the default browser.
julia> package_site("StaticArrays")
In this example the web site is also opened in the user's browser.
url = pkg_docs_site(pkgname::AbstractString, autoopen==true)
This is the function invoked by the @docs
macro. See the discussion
above re @docs
This package was inspired by the discussion and code snippets presented in this thread.