
Blackbody radiation curves, with support for Unitful.jl
Author JuliaAstro
6 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
January 2022


Build Status PkgEval Coverage License

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Blackbody radiation curves, with support for Unitful.jl.

TODO (help welcome, not expected)

  • Documentation
    • Need at least one example showing easy calculations/plotting
    • need another example showing fits/gradients
  • Unit tests
  • Gradients



Wien's law

Using Optim.jl we can numerically maximize the blackbody function to see how closely it agrees with Wien's law.

using Optim

# function to minimize
Teff = 5796
f(λ) = -blackbody(λ, Teff)

# bounded between 1 picometer and 10 m
res = Optim.optimize(f, 1e-12, 10)

λ = Optim.minimizer(res)
isapprox(λ, 2.898e-3 / Teff; rtol=1e-4)

Contributing and Support

If you would like to contribute, feel free to open a pull request. If you want to discuss something before contributing, head over to discussions and join or open a new topic. If you're having problems with something, please open an issue.