
Interact with your Pluto notebooks from other Julia programs!
Author JuliaPluto
19 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
July 2021


Interact with your Pluto notebooks from other Julia programs!

How to use

using PlutoRESTClient

nb = PlutoNotebook("MyExampleNotebook.jl")
# Alternatively, if Pluto is running somewhere on the internet...
nb = PlutoNotebook("MyExampleNotebook.jl", "")

# Gets the value of a variable named `a` from MyExampleNotebook.jl
# Gets the value of a variable named `some_other_variable`

# Calls a function called `my_add` defined in MyExampleNotebook.jl
nb.my_add(1, 2)
# Calls a function called `my_subtract` defined in MyExampleNotebook.jl
nb.my_subtract(1, 2)

# Updates the values of `a` and `b`
# Returns the new value of `c` after the changes
nb(; a=3, b=4).c

Used By Packages

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