
Toolbox for calculating optical PSFs
Author RainerHeintzmann
18 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
July 2021


Toolbox for calculating optical PointSpreadFunctions (PSFs). It incorporates aberrations (specified though Zernike coefficients) and supports a number of models for calculation (PointSpreadFunctions.MethodSincR, PointSpreadFunctions.MethodPropagate, PointSpreadFunctions.MethodPropagateIterative), some are faster and some more accurate.

For detailed documentation, see the docs/dev (or docs/stable) link below. You may also find the file PSFs_demo.ipnb in the examples folder helpful.


To get the latest stable release of PointSpreadFunctions.jl type ] in the Julia REPL:

] add PointSpreadFunctions.jl
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JuliaCon 2022

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