
Pretty print numbers in Julia.
39 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
October 2021


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This package has the purpose to provide a way to render numbers in a more visual way for data analysis. Currently, we only have the text back end.

The function to pretty print the numbers have the following signature:

pretty_number([io::IO, | String, ]number::Number; kwargs...)

If the first argument is an io, the number is printed to it. If it is a String, a string is returned with the printed number. It it is omitted, it defaults to stdout.

The number will be printed using the specified backend. The following options are available:

  • Val(:latex): LaTeX back end.
  • Val(:text): Text back end.


These are the general keywords available in all back ends. Notice that each back end defines a set of specific keywords as shown in the sections below.

All keywords depends on the type of the number.


If number is Rational, the following keywords are available:

  • compact::Bool: If true, the rational number will be printed compactly, in one line like ³/₄. Otherwise, the rational number is printed using multiple lines, like (Default = true):


Otherwise, the number is printed using the scientific notation in the base 10. In this case, the following keywords are available:

  • always_print_base::Bool: If true, the base is always printed even if the base exponent is 0. (Default = false)
  • significand_format::String: The format that will be used to print the signifcand, as described by the function Printf.@printf. (Default = "%g")
  • show_base::Bool: If true, the base will be printed. Otherwise, it will be omitted. (Default = true)
  • show_significand::Bool: If true, the significand will be printed. Otherwise, it will be omitted. (Default = true)
  • new_decimal_base::Union{Nothing, Number}: If it is a number, the decimal base of the number will be converted to this number. If it is nothing, the base is not changed. (Default = nothing)

Keywords for the Text Back End


  • multiplication_sign::Char: The multiplication sign that will be used between the significand and the decimal base, common options are '⋅' and '×'. (Default = '×')

Keywords for the LaTeX Back End

Those keywords apply for the LaTeX back end only and for all supported number types.

  • math_env::Symbol: The math environment type to wrap the output in if wrap_in_math_env is true. The possible options are :inline for inline LaTeX math environment (\$), or :equation for using \begin{equation} .. \end{equation}. (Default: :inline)
  • wrap_in_math_env::Bool: If true, the output will be wrapped in a math environment. The user can select which environment the function will use in the keyword math_env. (Default: false)


  • multiplication_sign::Symbol: The multiplication sign that will be used between the significand and the decimal base, common options are \\cdot and \\times. (Default = "\\times")


Text Back End

julia> pretty_number(19//86)

julia> pretty_number(19//86; compact = false)

julia> pretty_number(1906.1896)
1.90619 × 10³

julia> pretty_number(1906.1896; significand_format = "%.10f")
1.9061896000 × 10³

julia> pretty_number(1906.1896; new_decimal_base = 4)
0.190619 × 10

LaTeX Back End

julia> pretty_number(19//86; backend = Val(:latex))

julia> pretty_number(19//86; backend = Val(:latex), compact = false)

julia> pretty_number(1906.1896; backend = Val(:latex))
1.90619 \times 10^{3}

julia> pretty_number(1906.1896; backend = Val(:latex), significand_format = "%.10f")
1.9061896000 \times 10^{3}

julia> pretty_number(1906.1896; backend = Val(:latex), new_decimal_base = 4)
0.190619 \times 10^{4}

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