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A Julia interface to PROPACK, a library for the computation of the truncated singular value decomposition of real (Float32, Float64) and complex (ComplexF32, ComplexF64) matrices or linear operators. PROPACK only requires operator-vector products to estimate singular values and singular vectors.
Larsen Rasmus M. (1998). Lanczos bidiagonalization with partial reorthogonalization. Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Technical report, DAIMI PB-357.
If you use PROPACK.jl in your work, please cite using the format given in CITATION.bib
julia> ]
pkg> add PROPACK
pkg> test PROPACK
Version 0.5.0 of PROPACK.jl requires at least Julia 1.8.
U, s, V, bnd, nprod, ntprod = tsvd(A, k=3) # 3 largest singular values and their singular vectors
s, bnd, nprod, ntprod = tsvdvals(A, k=3)
Make sure A
is square or short and wide to avoid the trailing zero singular values:
U, s, V, bnd, nprod, ntprod = tsvd_irl(A, k=2)
s, bnd, nprod, ntprod = tsvdvals_irl(A, k=2)
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